Are We Allowed To Date?

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Suga's P.O.V

"So, i'm assuming that you both have some news for me?" BangPD said, sitting in front of me and Wendy as our manager left since he had other things to do.

"Look, PD-nim i can explain i-" I started but got cut off when he signed deeply.

Gosh, i've really disappointed him haven't i?

He got up shaking his head in disappointment. He went over to the room that Jhope, Jin and Jimin had ran into and opened it.

One by one each Bangtan member fell in front of BangPD, layering on top of each other.

"Yah! Namjoon get up!"

"Ouch, Jin hyung! My legs!

"I'm getting crushed down here!"

"Boys!" BangPD shouted out grabbing their attention, as they looked up and the pure terror that showed in eyes was almost comical.

I heard Wendy chuckle besides me.

All six of them started scrambbling around, trying to stand up and look proper but each of them failed miserably.

Jungkook accidentally stepped on Jhope's hand who ended up screaming loudly, Jin who was startled by Jhope's scream, screamed as well. Jimin hit his head hard on the door knob falling down again as he fell right onto Namjoon, who cursed at him loudly.

BangPD signed, rubbing his temple "I swear these idiots..." He mumbled, helping each of them up and properly this time.

They all stood in a line, like high school students who recieved a punishment for not listening in class.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I swear to god if only our fans could see us like this i'm sure most of them would be totally freaked out.

"Well boys, i'm sure you know Wendy. Especially you Jimin and thankyou for your stripping show earlier, very pleasing," He started as everyone held in their laughter. Jimin's face went bright red as BangPD continued on.

"You all must know about Suga and Wendy dating publicaly and if you must know at first this was all a scheme to get the publics attention, But it seems as these two are now genuinely dating and have feelings for each other." He stated as i froze not knowing if the fact that i lied to my members would go well with them.

Jin looked at me and Wendy smirking as he and the rest of Bangtan started leaving the room as per BangPD's orders.

"And since you all sneek around so much to meet your girlfriends i expected better spying skills from you but i'm not impressed. I'm not sure if dispatch just lets you go or if they are genuinly so stupid that they can't catch you being such imbecils."  He said savagely as the members went red.

They went out of the room and now it was only me, Wendy and BangPD in the entire dorm. Suddenly i felt all my nervous jitters come back as i sawa BangPD coming towards us.

"Now, since BTS doesn't have a dating ban, i can't pull you out of this relationship nor do i wish too. I discussesd this whole issue with SM entertainmrnt's CEO and even he feels it's better if you both continue dating publicaly. So now i wanted to ask you two if thats acceptable and if you have any demands or anything that you feel needs to be specified, please say so now." He said as i looked over at Wendy.

"Are we allowed to date like... i don't know in private?" She asked as he warmly smiled at her.

"Of course, as long as you both stay out of trouble." He said i signed, feeling relived. "But this doesn't mean that you two will always br in each others faces becaude this is the Kpop industry and you need to remain professional." BangPD said firmly.

"Will that be all then?" He asked as we both nodded. Honestly it looked like a pretty great deal to me.

We don't have to date secretly and we also won't have to lie about it to our fans. Our companies approved of it and we don't even have to lie to our friends or members about it or anything. I feel like its a pretty solid solution.

"Well, then i'll be going." He said standing up and heading towards the door as we followed him out of respect.

"Oh also i'm sure you two haven't seen each other for a vedmry long time due to tours and promotions so i'm we decided to give each group two days off. Not much i know but thats all we could come up with. Now enjoy and Wendy, your manager will come along with the other girls here soon." He said and left the dorm as we both stood there utterly shocked.

"Wait.... what did he say?" Wendy asked as i shrugged my shoulders.

"Letting us date is really nice of him but giving us two days to spend with each other, isn't he being suspuciously nice?" i asked as this time she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm hungry." I said trying to forget about the whole thing and was about to go to the kitchen to grab a snack when the dorms door busted open with six guys popping out of nowhere.

"What did he say?"

"Did he ask anything about the rest of us?"

"Is he not allowing you two to date?"

"Most importantly. Did he roast anyone of us while we were gone?" Jungkook asked as Jin smacked him on the head for asking such a stupid question.

"Everything's fine. Also the girls are coming in a while." Wendy said as everyone looked over to her.

"The girls are coming?" Namjoon asked as Seungwan nodded. "Amd right now?" Jimin asked as Seungwan replied with a "Yes!"

"Fuck! I'm still wearing my PJ's?" Jungkook screamed running towards his room. "It's better than not wearing anything!" Taehyung shouted as Jimin hit his head knowing he was mocking him about the whole incident earlier.

"They'll never leave you alone now Jimin." Seungwan said passing by him and opening the fridge as he just stood there. This was the 3rd time today that he's been embarrassed so badly.

As everyone was in a hurry to clean the dorm we heard the door bell ring and immediately everything was a mess.

Jungkook came out of his room wearing a white shirt, jeans and timberlands, looking extremely cool but bumped into Taehyung as he was heading to put his books back.

They both fell on the floor as Jin laughed at the two. Namjoon was busy fixing his hair, Jhope cleaning up the living room and Jimin was nowhere to be found.

"Guys! Open up it's us!" Red velvet screamed from the other side of the door as me and Wendy just laughed at the hilarious sight in front of us.

If only the girls knew just how much of an effect they had on the guys.

I tried making this chapter a bit serious but as you can see i completely failed.

Weird and funny(atleast to me) ideas kept popping into my head and i didn't even get to write most of them down but anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Total words: 1211


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