Epilogue 2.0

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Suga's P.O.V

"God, I'm so happy we managed to pull this wedding off in private. I swear if I had seen even one camera anywhere near the venue I would killed the person with my bear hands." My dad said as I just chuckled.

"Don't worry dad. I'm sure everything will be fine." I said, trying to comfort him. But if I had to be honest, he looked a lot more nervous than I did.

I could see him often glancing here and there, keeping an eye on everything and making sure that nothing went wrong. It was the most adorable thing ever.

He soon left my side as he saw some of Wendy's relatives enter the venue and went off to greet them.

I looked around to see the venue, it wasn't something super fancy or elegant. Actually it seemed like the most simple and comfy wedding venue I had ever seen. The tables had a clean white cloth spread on them, plants and flowers hung from the ceiling giving it a bohemian look. The colours were very neutral and the scene wasn't very radiant or flamboyant.

 The colours were very neutral and the scene wasn't very radiant or flamboyant

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Many of these items and pieces of furniture were picked by our mothers and Seungwan's sister. It was a good thing that they knew what type of style we liked. Seungwan was always a fan of minimalistic vibes and I was never the type to enjoy bright coloured and eye catching settings.

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