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Wendy's P.O.V

The whole ride i didn't say one word and kept quite. The girls kept on asking me questions and teasing me.

It was awful but somewhat bearable. Irene and Seulgi had soon after given up on getting me to talk but the maknaes didn't cool down.

Questions like Whats you guys's relationship?He even carried you to our bedroom did you know? and Do you like him? kept on ringing in my ears as the girls didn't stop.

Oh god, how am i supposed to live like this?

Thankgod the area for our photoshoot wasn't far and we got there 10 minutes early, at some point even our managers got annoyed by the loud ruckus at the back of the van.

Finally, after what felt like nearly hours we reached our destination and headed out of our van and straight for the dressing room to get dressed and caked up for the photo shoot.

It took a while before they all seemed to forget about our previous talk and focus on working hard but i just wish it stayed that way.

At first we had separate photos of us taken with each member all by themselves and then a even a few group photos were taken.

It thankfully didn't take long and we done by the time it was 2pm and we changed back into some comfortable but presentable clothes as we headed to a near by cafe to get some lunch.

Except for Seulgi and Irene the rest of the girls - meaning me, Joy and Yeri - had strict diets. So eating a lot of food isn't on my menu right now.

Even though Irene and Seulgi aren't on diets both girls still try to keep good shape to impress and satisfy our fans, even if i force them to eat.

We entered the cafe with of course our masks and hats on, as we found a nice quite and deserted place at the corner of the cafe.

Our manager asked each of us what we wanted to eat, making sure we follow our diets, and then headed further to order our food.

"So unnie, are you still not gonna tell us?" Oh my god, will they leave that topic alone?

'I already told you what happened and how we know each other but you guys seem to think i'm lying so i guess it's not my fault" i said as Yeri cutely pouts.

"Hey... look who it is" Irene said in a low voice as if making sure no one could hear her, and pointing at the entrance of the cafe.

I turned my body looking behind me as i saw two guys, one with brown hair and the other blonde, standing there and heading to go and order some beverages.

I turned my body looking behind me as i saw two guys, one with brown hair and the other blonde, standing there and heading to go and order some beverages

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