I'll Protect You

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Suga's P.O.V

"We've found a location were the suspect may have kept the victom for these past few days."

"Seriously? Has it been confirmed?"

"One witness has reported hearing someone screaming and the victom said their name was Wendy Velvet- i'm assuming they hadn't heard it properly. We think that it's the victom who has recently been kidnapped by her stalker."

"O-okay thats great. W-were is this place?"

"Canada, deep inside the Acadian forest. We'll send you the location, we're hoping to enter the place in 4 or 5 hours or so. Hopefully you and her respective group members can arrive here by then." The police officer said as he ended the call with a formal goodbye.

I cut the call and i felt the loud beating of my heart. I cam't believe this happened...

They found her. They found Seungwan.

"Who was that hyung?" Jimin asked, looking at my happy face with a confused one.

"They found her..."

"What? Hyung you need to be louder--"

"They found Seungwan!" I screeched as he flinched before his eyes went wide in realization.

"What!? Seriously!?" He asked jumping on top of the sofa as i nodded.

Jin came in the room shouting at us to keep quiet "Aigo jinja! You guys can be so annoying, just keep shut for a whil--!"

"Hyuuuuunngg they found Seungwannnnn!" I said grabbing his shoulders and shaking them violently.

"W-whh-aaa-t!" He yelled, his voice uneven due to my violent shaking.

I went outside "THEY FOUMD SEUNGWAN BITCHESSSS!" i yelled loudly as i saw Taehyung wake up from his deep sleep, drool covered all over his face.

"Really!?" Jungkook yelled, joining me in my screaming as we held hands and jumped in circles. Jhope started yelling as well moving his body in weird up and down waves.

"Ok wait what? How?" Namjoon asked after all our screaming and yelling had calmed down.

"They said that a person had been riding their bicyle around in the Acadian forest in Canada and heard Seungwan screaming for help and also identifying herself as Wendy Velvet-- i'll explain that part later-- and the police think its our Seungwan. I think we've finally found her guys!" I said as they all started cheering again.

"Okay but thats in Canada, when are you going to head out?" Jin hyung asked as i realized that i need to get back to reality.

She's still trapped inside and we need to get her safely away from the psycho stalker of hers. There is still a lot to be done.

"Red velvet, their manager, my manager, Mark and me will head out on a flight to Canada in an hour. Hopefully Seungwan is safe." I said going inside my room to start packing. I don't have time and i need to hurry.

I didn't waste any time and was quick with the goodbyes. We all met at the airport and i was seated beside's Mark and my manager on the flight.

I couldn't even sleep at all and it felt like my energy had been mazimised by a thousand. I could probably stay up for days if i wanted.

When we reached Canada it was about 3am or so  but none of us cares and immediatley headed to the location suspected to be where the stalker is keeping Seungwan.

I saw Seungwan's mom and sister talking to a police officer there.

"Heyy...." i murmured to Seunghee-- Seungwan's sister-- as she looked at me.

I could see the tears pricking the edges of her eyes as she hugged me.

"Aah oppaa! They say it's Seungwan!" She exclaimed, crying as i saw her mom turn towards us and cover her mouth in shock.


"Is she really in there." I asked their mom, rubbing Seunghee's hair in an act of comfort.

"Y-yes." She whispered, almost inaudible but i heard it loud and clear.

Apparently during the kidnapping the stalker had drugged Seungwan's mom, and placed her in the backyard where she also found Seunghee who had been hit and dragged there as well. Both called the police and reported what happened along woth Seunghee's story of what went down before she had been hit.

My breathing suddenly started getting heavy and i felt like my legs were jelly. Is this finally happening? Is this seriously happening?

"We are about to take action, i suggest the women leave to our base which is just a few minutes away from here." A police officer told Seungwan's mom as she nodded and gently pulled Seunghee away from me and led her far away from the scene.

"I'm sorry i'll be back. Eunji is calling." Mark said as i nodded. He moved a little to side, near the garage in the far corner.

We waited for a while, guns up, everyone armed and just pure silence as everyone stayed still. The only noise was Mark talking to Eunji and even that was barely audible.


"HE'S HERE! HE'S ESCAPING!" Mark suddenly yelled breaking the intense silence. His phone on the ground, eunji yelling from the other line, and multiple police officers running after the stalker, who had an unconscious Seungwan in his arms.


"SEUNGWAN!" I yelled running after him, Mark told me to stop and let the police handle this but i ignored him and ran after the psychopath and my girlfriend anyway.

A police officer finally catched him, quickly but gently taking Seungwan from his hands and laying her down on the ground. They pinned the stalker to the ground as he screamed and tried to wiggle out of their grasp.

I catched up to them and sat down besides Seungwan and she groaned in pain.

"Seungwan? Are you there?" I mumbled mindlessly as a few tears forced themselves out of her closed eyes.

She looked so bad. There was a huge slash on her arm, her head was bleeding, a needle was pinned in the other arm, and a few cuts and scratches on her beautiful face.

What has this monster done to her?

"Yoongi.... my legs..." she whispered so softy i had to put my ear to her mouth to hear her properly

"I... i can't feel my..... legs..." She whispered softly as i picked her up from the ground bridal style.

I'll keep you safe now Seungwan.

You don't have to worry anymore.

I'll protect you.

Just realized how lame this chapter is. Anyway I was wondering that maybe after this I could perhaps write a few more chapters and end the story because it's been going on for so long 😂😂😂😂

Tell me what you think I'm the comments and don't forget to vote!

Total words: 1106


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