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Wendy's P.O.V



I got up flustered and looked to my side to see Yeri standing there with an evil smirk plastered on her face.

"Shit, Yeri you scared me." I said, slapping her arm before grumpily laying back down in bed, covering myself with the huge blanket I had stolen from Joy's room.

"You need to get up unnie! It's your wedding day remember?" She yelled, I have honestly never seen her so excited before

"Yeri, it's only seven in the morning." I whined before getting up and glaring at her. She only smiled back in response.

"Yeah, this is the time when normal people wake up. Come on we need to get you ready and make you all pretty for the big day." She said, shaking my arms, trying to wake me up.

"Shut up Yeri, don't pretend like you don't wake up unless it's after noon." I said, shrugging her off.

"Yeah, true. But it's not everyday it's your wedding, come on!"

"Yeah I know! So let me have my beauty sleep!" Yeri pouted before finally leaving me alone. She grabbed her phone and started giggling to herself. I'm sure she's probably texting her boyfriend right now since there would be no other reason for Yeri to giggle like a highschool girl.

Jungkook and Yeri were not officially dating but there was definitely something happening between them.

No sooner than that, Irene unnie opened the door to our room. "Hey, did you manage to wake her up?" She asked

"No, she wants to sleep in." Yerim responded.

"Wan-ah you're going to have to get out of bed someday." Irene said before sneakily coming towards my bed and snatching my blanket.

"Hey!!" I whined before groaning. "Fine. I'll get up." I said as I walked to the bathroom, leaving the door open. Ever since that abduction happened years ago, I've never been able to stay alone in a room, doesn't even matter if it's the bathroom.

That part of my life had traumatized me more than anyone can imagine. But unlike before, this time I actually accepted help from people who cared about me. I told my members about my experience and the PTSD I gotten from it. They suggested therapy and some time off work, and fortunately my company did want me to come back to Red Velvet with a healthy mind and body, so I took a hiatus to focus on my mental health.

I took therapy for a few months and thanks to my therapist I'm so much better off now. My fans encouraged me all the way through, sending me loving messages and making sure I knew that they will forever be with me and supporting me.

If it hadn't been for all these lovely and gorgeous people around me I don't think I would ever have made this far.

They're the reason that I am who I am today, and they are the reason I am so strong and loved. I would never replace any of them, not even the bad people who effected my life negatively since they taught me the importance of loving myself and surrounding myself with good people who genuinely care for me.

It also taught me not to take anyone elses bullshit.

I grabbed my brush and started gently brushing my dyed blonde hair. "We're going to a salon to get you ready. I'm sure being in the hospital you probably haven't even once been able to actually get your nails done or clear your skin." Irene said, entering the bathroom and washing her hands.

"I still hate SBS for that." I heard Yerim whisper from behind me and ended up ignoring it. She's still petty about that accident.

"Obviously it's the hospital." I said as a matter of factly.

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