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Wendy's P.O.V

I woke up with the sun hitting my eyes and my head throbbing like it just got hit by a pole. What did i do now?

I sat up on my bed and looked around with squinted eyes as i saw my members Irene and Seulgi in a deep and fast sleep.

What time is it? And why does my head just so much?

Then just as i was about to reach for my phone and check the time flashbacks rose up in my head.

Me getting out of the car and meeting Mark, me talking about Yoongi, us getting super drunk, getting inside a car, and then coming home with Joy opening the door.

What the hell? Did i get drunk last night? Oh no and the girls saw me? How idiotic of me, why would i do that?

I removed the blanket that was covering my body and stood up but then nearly fell from the pain of my head.

"Ouch" I whispered slowly so the others wouldn't wake up.

Getting on my feet again with my left hand holding up head like it was about to fall, i made my way to the bathroom to take a nice cold shower to cool myself down.

Going in that shower and letting that cold water drip on my stressed body felt so nice i nearly forgot all my stress and problems.

But of course stepping outside in my bedroom, reality hit me like a truck. 

We have a schedule today....

I ran over to take my phone out of my charger and check the time. 

5:46 am...

We still have more than an hour to get ready, thank god i thought we were gonna be late or miss an important schedule.

I tried my hair once last time with a towel and looked at my outfit one last time before heading for the door.

I tried my hair once last time with a towel and looked at my outfit one last time before heading for the door

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Once i'm in the living room i head for the kitchen to make breakfast for me and the girls.

No sooner than later i hear the girls alarm clocks go off, indicating that it was time to wake up and get ready for a new day full of hard work and enthusiasm.

With breakfast nearly done i tried my best to act normal even with my painful headache.

Before i could even put the delicious food filled plate on the table Yeri, the maknae came running out like she had just saw a ghost.

She ran all the way over to me with Joy soon coming from behind but instead she went to the others girls room maybe to see of they were wake.

Yeri soon reached me and held my arms turning me to face her.

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