Save Me, Please

501 28 8

Wendy's P.O.V

"Here. Take the food."

"I don't want it."

"Just eat it already i don't have time for you to be all snappy." He said placing the plate of food in front of me.

I stared at the food, my stomach growling. It was a burger and a coke. You know when i though i'd be kidnapped i expected the food to be gross old peas but this looks like a good quality meal. Not bad actually. Not bad at all.

But i'm not eating, no matter how hungry i get. Who knows what weird stuff he could have put in the food.

I'm not taking an chances. Nope. I've been here too long and i can't take die now.

Four days.

It's been four days since i was kidnapped.

Just four days of utter fear, anger and sadness.

I wonder how my mom is doing.

I wonder if Seunghee unnie is alright.

I wonder how my member's are handling the news of me being kidnapped.

I wonder how the general public is doing. If they even know about my kidnapping that is.

I wonder if Mark is alright.

I wonder how Yoongi is doing.

Does dad know...?

Questions like these never left my brain, with nothing to do all day, all i actually could do was think.

And it was torture having no distractions from my endless thoughts.

Everytime, i thought about what was going on out in world, the image got worse and worse.

My members crying, Mark blaming himself for not protecting me well enough, my mom and sister crying as they tell the police what happened, Eunji being reliable and trying to calm everyone down, Yoongi not doing anything and just sitting in his studio room, not eating, sleeping, or anything else.

I knew them all well enough to know their reactions in such a situation.

And it pained me so much.

"Are you seriously not going to eat?" He asked again and i was pulled out of my train of thoughts.

"I told you. I don't want to eat."

"You say that everytime and by the end of the day when i fall asleep, you end up gobbling all of it out of extreme hunger." He said smirking at me, knowing that he was right.

If you ignored his psycho and weird stalk-y shit and lame ass, he's not that bad.

He's quite handsome, good jawline, nice muscles, and not a bad smile.

But the fact that he kidnapped me, hurt my sister, probably did something with my mom, and pulled me away from the people i care about made him lose all his charm.

And then he expects me to love him so we can get married. As if. I'm not that dumb nor am i a psychopath.

"Whatever. I need to grab some gas for the car and a few groceries. Stay put and quiet. " He said emphasizing the last part since the last few times he had left, i had ended up screaming at the tip of my lungs hoping someone would hear.

Yeah, he did end up hitting me afterwords so i'd stay quiet but i'm sure he regretted it later that day. Which actually made me more confident in how i could manipulate him.

It's my only option now anyways.

I felt scared to scream but i felt even more scraed to stay here for the rest of my life.

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