Joy And Her Relationship Advice

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Suga's P.O.V

"Oppa saranghae!!"

"Suga we love you!!"

"BTS fighting!!"

"Wenga for life!!"

"Kim Seokjin marry me!!"

Loud cheers and screams were heard as we exited the airport.

Many people were standing there, most of them consisting of our fans.

Each one roared loudly went we came into view and i could still hear their screams when we sat in our van.

"Wow, looks like we really are famous now." Namjoon said smiling.

"Hyung you say that everytime we see some of our fans." Jimin said laughing at our leaders cute remarks.

"Some of our fans? There was a whole army out there! Get it, army out there." Jin hyung said cracking one of his dad jokes as everyone groaned.

"Hyung, i think thats your worst one yet." Taehyung said tapping him slowly on the shoulder as Jin pouted at the dull response.

"Anyway were are we headed now? Manager Kim said we don't have anymore schedules after this." Jhope asked looking at us eagerly.

"We're going to the girls dorm." I said straight forwardly with a tone of determination in my voice. And by girls i obviously meant Red Velvet."And you all can't make excuses to get out of it." I said as the guys groaned.

Everytime one of us would go to the others dorm it was caous everywhere. Jungkook and Yeri would either be fighting or blushing everytime they'd see each other. Jimin and Seulgi would always hang out together, wonder why. Taehyung and Joy would be fighting and playing games, Namjoon and Irene would always be stuck in a room together doing who knows what. Jhope and Jin, well... i don't even know about them anymore.

But if i were honest the only reason i agreed to go there is because of Seungwan.

It's been two weeks since we last saw each other and since we last made it official.

Yeah we did talk through messages and video called each other but it wasn't the same as being physically there with each other.

Both our groups were extremely busy, BTS going overseas and Red Velvet with their new comeback. Their promotions ended yesterday and they got a few days off before they start working again.

So, while we both had some free time i wished to see her and surprise surprise our manager let us visit them since we've(well at least me, Jimin and Namjoon) waited for this moment for so long.

Seungwan is going to be so happy.

I smiled brightly. Just thinking about her made me all nervous and excited. And the fact that we haven't seen each other for so long just made this moment so much more worth the wait.

"We're here." I heard manager Kim say as we got out of our van, some of us excited others more dull.

"Hurry, we're 15 minutes late and you all know how strict Irene is with time managment." Namjoon said hurrying us all in building making sure no camera's or people were around us.

Surprisingly the place was pretty deserted, maybe because its Saturday morning.

After a while of walking, talking and having Jin hyung scold us, we finally made it to the girls dorm.

"Took you guys long enough." Irene said giving each of us a hard stare, us knowing it meant next we better not ecen be a minute late.

"Sorry babe, we had some trouble at the airport but we're here now!" Namjoon said stepping inside and giving Irene an hug.

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