Another Date?

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Wendy's P.O.V

"Make sure to take some rest okay? I don't want to hear that you fainted again alright?" I heard Mark say over the phone as i chuckled, ahh this kid.

"Yes eomma, i will take care of myself this time." I said as i heard him chuckle on the other line.

"Stop calling me that! Umm okay i have to go, Jackson is calling me. Make sure to eat well and stay healthy alright Seungwan?And don't worry you'll be fine, I'll call you before going to bed alright? Byeeeee!" I heard him scream quickly before he cut the call.

I put my phone back in my purse and signed.

Early this morning i woken up by our manager saying that sanjangnim had called me to his office for an important meeting, and me only.

It was somewhere around 9am and i felt so tired. Red Velvet has been extremely busy these days, going to award shows, attending meetings, doing interviews and so much more.

I yawned as my body felt exhausted. Ughh why did i stay up late last night talking to Eunji? I should have just directly went to bed and slept.

I looked at the huge double doors in front of me, black and intimidating. I felt scared to my core. I mean if you were called to your bosses office twice a month then i'm sure you'd be worried too.

No one really told me why i was here. My manager was inside discussing things with our CEO and here i was ransacking my brain on what could i have possibly done that made our sangjangnim call me privately to his office.

The girls were worried too when they found out, they had begged our manager to let them accompany me but our manager told us it was strict orders from sangjangnim to only bring me to his office.

The girls had to give in in the end. Later on while i was waiting i had gotten a call from Mark and we had talked for a while before he had to leave.

And now here i am, standing here completely clueless on why i'm here. What could have i done wrong? Gosh why can't they just tell me? They're making me so frustrated!

"Wendy?" I heard my manager say i looked at his peeking head from the huge double doors.

"Sangjangnim wants to see you now." He said before opening the doors wide enough so i could enter.

Gosh, i'm so nervous!

I entered and didn't dare looking at him in the eyes. I felt as if my heart was eager to jump out of my chest and run away.

"Glad you could make it Wendy, and sorry for the wait i had to take care of some important things." I heard Lee Soo Man say i pulled my head up in confidence and looked at him.

"Don't worry. I didn't wait long." I said as he put aside some papers he was working on. He signaled our manager to leave and then it was only the two of us left.

"You must be wondering why you have been called to my office," he started as i took a deep breath "It's been almost 2 months since the the reveal of you and Yoongi dating am i right?" He said as i nodded.

So this is about the whole dating facade? That means i'm not in trouble right?

"Today, in exactly 15 minutes i will call BangPD  and have a meeting with him discussing some improtant things regarding the whole dating situation." He said as i nodded still not speaking a word.

I have been in office a few times before but never once was i completely alone. Usually i would have my members or at least my manager with me but it seemed that this time i was all alone.

And it kind of terrified me.

"I am sure you have heard," he started again as i broke off from my train of thought ",that there are some rumors going around of you cheating on Suga with Got7's Mark and that has recently caused some trouble for us." He stated as i remembered all those articles i had seen about me dating Mark. Such fake news.

"This has also given JYP entertainment quite a headache because of all the fans spreading hate towards Mark through social media and more." He said as i felt my heart getting heavy.

I knew about all the hate Mark was currently getting at the moment but never once had he said anything about it to me.

I know he was effected by all the hate comments and everything but as usual Mark kept all his problems to himself.

And i hated that.

I know most of the time i am usually the one to express my angry and venting to Mark but this situation made me realize that he has never once vent out to me.

He would always be the listener in our duo and never once had he complained about it. And i hated that as well.

Every time i would ask him to talk about his problems he would either change the subject or say that he doesn't have any problems. Liar.

If only he would just trust me and tell me about whats bothering him.

"And so we will be taking matters into our own hands and discuss when to set up another date for you and Suga to go on." Sangjangnim said catching my attention

"Another date?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yes, it should be set up somewhere in the next week or so but we need to officially set a date and meeting plan." He said as he got a call from someone.

"Aah i need to take this. You are free to go now, continue on with your schedules and your manager will tell you the official date once it's official." He said as i bowed respectably and turned around heading for the double doors.

Once i got out and was alone i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in.

Another date? Meaning another reason to hang out with Yoongi, and another reason for us to see each other.

God why out of all people do i have to publicly date him? Just why?

I took in a few deep breaths and headed towards the practice room. The girls are probably already there so i don't need to make an extra stop to our dorm.

Ge'ez another date? How am i gonna tell the girls about this?

I mentally groaned already imagining about the teasing i will get once the news reaches them.

Lord, give me strength.

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