Breakup.... Not!!

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Wendy's P.O.V

"Just forget it...."

The words splashed onto me like icy water. Though they were meant to hurt Yoongi, I couldn't help but feel my heart breaking. It's pain almost unbearable.

God, why me? Why do I have to go through this? Why did you make my life such a living hell huh? What wrong have i ever done!

"Seungwan. You need to listen to me." He spoke, my eyes snapped at him, his hand more specifically which was trying to get a hold of me.

If only I could run away from here and just leave forever but my stupid legs still wouldn't move. They were as good as useless and I couldn't feel more frustrated by myself. Instead I pushed his hands away, not bothering to be gentle, the stupid hot tears still falling down my cheeks like a never ending waterfall.

I wiped them away and saw the hurt look on his face as I kept hitting him with my hands, I just wanted to make him feel any sort of pain, any sort of pain that was similar to what he was making me feel right now.

"How could you do this to me? Huh!? How!? After all that you made me go through you have the fucking audacity to cheat on me!?" I screamed and I was sure people outside could hear my loud voice but I couldn't care less, if they find me loud then that's their problem.

"Seungwan listen--!"

"No! Why the fuck should I listen to a cheater like you!?"


"Go grab your cheater of an ass and get the the fuck out of my face, Min Yoongi!!"

"No, no, no it was jus--"

"Just stop," i spoke, stopping. "I'm tired Yoongi. I'm just tired...." I whispered, feeling a sudden pain in my throat. I'm not sure how long I can take this.....

"Seungwan...." he said his voice drowned out in the silence. I looked up at him, giving up, only to see him smiling at me admiringly.

"You're smiling?" I asked in an offended tone, my gentle and soft self gone almost as quickly as it came. "So you're tell me you cheated on me and still have the audacity to smile at me?" The anger was rising up again. I felt like punching his face and breaking every part of his body until there was nothing left of him.

Maybe that would make feel better. Not a bad idea actually. His deserves it for what he's done.

But before I could even execute my plan he spoke in a gentle voice, removing all thoughts of violence from my mind.

"Seungwan..... I was kidding." He spoke and then chuckled as if he were watching some funny sitcom.

"What?" I asked, confused. "What do you mean?" He took my puffy face inbetween his hands and kissed my forehead.

"I didn't cheat on you. I was just trying to get you moving and your heart palpetating. I didn't think you'd throw such a tantrum." I pushed his hands away, the confusion mixed within anger.

"What? You were kidding? My heart palpatating what kind of dumb reason is that?" I spat out, he looked at me amused. "Seriously? Ugh, just get out. I don't care if you cheated or not, you're annoying me." I said my head hurting.

"You sure? I have something really important to tell you." He said as I glared at him. "What now? You got a girl pregnant too?" The sarcasm was oozing off me, and it was not pleasant sight. He looked at me shocked, which was understandable since this side a me only came out on rare occasions.

"Wha--" "Is everything okay In here?" Jin oppa opened the door, interrupting Yoongi who was just about to say something.

"Yeah, just get him outta here and everything will be great." I said smiling at Jin. He raised his brows at Yoongi who could just smile awkwardly back at him.

"No no no not now hyung I'm not done yet-" he spoke but Jin approached him and flicked him his forehead. "Dumdass. What did you do?" He asked in a protective way, Yoongi could only pout in response.

"I'll be back in five minutes, BangPD keeps calling Namjoon to ask what's happening now and what's going I  and I swear to god I can't believe that you're gonna make us explain the whole situation to him. I mean it was your idea!" He said ranting just like a mom. Man, whoever ends up with Jin oppa as their husband I gonna be so lucky.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Just this once please." Jin oppa puffed in annoyance but ended up leaving because Taehyung kept calling him from outside the room. Wow, they barely just got here and are already this chaotic.

I didn't talk after Jin oppa left the room. I'm not in the mood. This joke he pulled on me was way out of his league. He can't just pull a prank on me like this and expect me to take it lightly.

"Sooo.... how have you been doing?"

"Oh wow, now he asks." I said grabbing my phone and scrolling through insta. "Are you ignoring me?" He asked, offended. "What does it look like I'm doing?" I replied, not daring to look him in the eye because I know that if I do I'll probably just give up and forgive him.

My pride and ego ain't ready for that kind of embarrassment. Not yet atleast.

"I got something for you though." He whispered and came up behind me. "If you're gonna try like back bugging me or something, don't even bother--" I was cut off from his arms wrapping around my my body.

"I told you don't even bother--!"

But I couldn't finish my words when he opened up a tiny black box in front of my eyes. "I still have something to tell you, or ask you." Inside was a beautiful pastal-ish pink ring, that was just hands down gorgeous.

" Inside was a beautiful pastal-ish pink ring, that was just hands down gorgeous

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"Son Seungwan. Will you marry me?"

Did I shock you? Probably not since my stories can be pretty predictable 😂😂😂

I hope I didn't rush things too much,i just thought it would be funny to first give you guys a heart attack when you think Yoongi cheated on Seungwan and then make your heart melt with the way he proposed to her.(atleast i hope it melted)

Don't forget to vote and comment! It really motivates me!

Total words: 1090


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