You Call it Stalking, I Call it Love

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Wendy's P.O.V

"Unnie, how long are you going to stay in Canada?" Joy asked as i remembered my sister's words.

"About a week or so." I replied as she pouted. "Thats so long...." She trailed off as i smiled.

"I'll be back sooner than you think." I said finally done packing all my bags.

Well, recently i had called my mom and this was the first time since that whole incident with my so called 'dad'.

So for almost two weeks my mom and sister have been living in her apartment.

Seunghee unnie has a job and mom got one recently as well so she can help pay bills and school fees.

I recently bought the two a home in Canada where they can stay and i'm going on a flight to meet them there today.

Yes, i had been extremely mad about it and like most of my problems i had decided to ignore until it became unbearable.

Now that i was finally thinking clearly about the whole situation. My mom and sister must have been so sad and depressed while i left them in Canada with just a small one person apartment and hardly any money.

I mean i had earned a lot from my job as an idol and so i wanted to help in some sort of way so i bought them a house and will be paying all the bills for it.

I was going to pay for Seunghee unnie's university fees as well but mom declined saying she didn't want to get spoiled and that the house was enough anyways.

So, now we're going over to check out the new house but i'll be meeting my mom and sister at their apartment first.

We'll head to the house together later on.

"Make sure to stay safe." Irene unnie said as i nodded making sure i hug each of the members before i leave

Our manager can't come with me since Red Velvet still has interviews and meetings with our CEO to attend so i'll be alone and honestly i wouldn't want it any other way.

Just me and and my family in Canada all alone and in peace. I've wanted that for a very long time but i've always imagined my dad in the lovely picture as well.

But i guess thats never going to happen now.

Oh well i can dream right?

The flight to Canada wasn't so bad. I met some fans and i was happy that they were chill and nice enough to not cause a rukus about me being on a plane that heads to Canada.

I took a few pictures with them and then i just slept the rest of the way.

Seunghee unnie picked me up from the airport and said that mom was waiting for the both of us back at her apartment.

Honestly i felt like this was good for us three women.

I mean it wasn't like dad was home most the time anyway and he basically disowned me the day i moved to Korea so like i guess this whole thing hasn't made much of a difference.

But no gonna lie, this tore each and every single one of us apart from the inside.

We all knew dad wasn't himself these past few weeks. But him cheating on mom was just another level of disgust and embarrassment.

I can't believe he'd do that to mom. I can't believe he'd just let himself do somethimg like that.

And it hurts me so much everytime i think about it.

I can't even imagine all the pain mom is going through. If Yoongi ever cheated on me, i'm sure i'd just lose all the life in me.

"Mom missed you. So did i." Seunghee unnie said pulling me out of ny trance as i nodded. "You know i didn't actually mean to leave you two in such a position, its just the way i found out and how i felt afterwords just made me so-"

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