The Movies

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Suga's P.O.V

"Ok i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i"m scared!"

"Will you stop? It's not that scary!"

"Not that scary!? Are we even watching the same movie?"

"Shhhhh! People are gonna get annoyed. Just calm down." I said to Seungwan as she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by me babtsitting her.

After our so called date, we decided to head to the movies. I had already asked my manager to take us to the cinema and we had already informed our members that we were gonna come home late.

I don't know what got into me but when i heard that Seungwan had actually searched up something about me it sort of gave me confidence to take her to the movies.

Usually i'd be scared thinking i'll make the same mistakes again and that she'll want nothing to do with me but when i found out that she was interested in me enough to go online, that gave me confidence but only in that moment.

Cause right now, i have no idea how well this day is going.

Also the fact that she got flustered when my shirt was too tight -exposing my abs- has to say something right?

But right now, i'm very cautious of every move i make. Yeah sure, i look like i'm perfectly chill but deep down i'm having a panic attack.

I want to enjoy this moment but i don't want her to think of me as that old Yoongi. I've changed a lot since then, and i want her to see that too but i don't want to rush our relationship, if you can even call it that.

"Yaaa Yoongi why do you like scary movies?" Seungwan asked as i got pulled from my train of thoughts.


"Why do you like scary movies? Aren't you like.... scared?" She said as i just chuckled. This little kid...

"Just watch the movie." I said pulling my attention back to the movie as she whined.

"You know what? What if i watch this movie with you, what will you do for me in return?" she said whispering, trying not to disturb the people watching the movie.

"Why do i have to do something in return?" I asked confused. It's a movie, horror or not who wouldn't like it?

"Come on! You have to do something for me in return."

"But why?"

"Because i'm torturing myself watching this movie with you but you're having a good time, that's not fair is it?"

"Are you saying you don't want to hang out with me-?"

"No! I'm just saying we have to do something after this in which i'll have fun and you won't." She said smiling as i gave her the you-gotta-be-kidding-me face.

"No way!"

"Aw! So mean. What a gentlemen you are." she said sarcastically as i just signed.

"But just to make sure, if  i do agree to that deal, what are we going to do?" i asked as she smirked.

"I don't know. Probably like go to the gym together or something." she said as i frowned.

"But i prefer exercising at home. Jungkook has all the equipment. Plus there are other people in gym. Humans i don't want to interact with." i said proving my point but she looked at me like i was a weirdo.

"Really. You don't go the gym because humans exist there?" She asked as i nodded. What? i know it sounds stupid but i really hate interacting with people. It gives me the hibbi gibbies.

"So? Do you agree to the deal?" She asked as i focused my attention back on the movie.

"Come on, don't ignore me. It's just a one time thing. So mean." She said focusing her attention back on the movie.

I know it was mean ignoring her but she herself agreed to watching the movie. If she would have said something about not wanting to watch a horror before we got the tickets i might have considered to watching something else for her sake.

If i'm honest here, it's basically her fault for suffering so much, not mine.

But... i don't want her to not enjoy her time with me. I want to make these moments special.

So without saying a word or giving her a warning i grabbed her popcorn and put it down.

I held her hand before she could protest. We got up and headed outside, leaving the movie cinema and heading towards my car.

"Yah! Min Yoongi! Where are you taking me?" Seungwan asked as i didn't answer and got her in the passenger seat of my car.

"I thought we were watching the movie?" She asked again as i started the engine of the car.

"You're not kidnapping me are you?" She asked as i resisted the urge to laugh.

"No i'm not kidnapping you." i said reassuring her which kept her quite for a while.

"Then where are we going?" She asked yet again.

"We're going over to watch a movie at my place." I said as i could feel her staring at me but i didn't dare look at her in the eyes.

"And we're inviting the others too." I said just to make the atmosphere less awkward.

I guess it'll be fun as long as Jungkook and Yeri don't ramble the whole movie through.

But it this a good idea...?

Not really satisfied with this chapter but i really wanted to update, so heres a chapter.

Also question.
Do you have any siblings?

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