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Wendy's P.O.V

"Your wounds are extremely serious and if not taken care of seriously then you may have to learn to live without some of your body parts and trust me i am not exagerrating this. As you're a performer i suggest you stay here in the hospital for a few more weeks until you're well and healthy enough to relax at home. No dancing, unneccesaary moving or singing as it puts a lot of strain and pressure on your body. These injuries may take several months to heal but i'm sure that by the end of it, you'll be healthy. As long as you do what asked to." The doctor stated as i listened to him very carefully.

Man this sucks.

I was up and awake, at a hospital in Canada. My mom, sister and members are here as well, taking good care of me.

It's been a week since the whole stalker and kidnapping incident. The man who stalked me, Lee Minseok, has yet to face his time in jail. He admitted to his crimes of kidnapping, hurting an innocent and staying at an illegal property which neither belonged to him nor was he allowed to enter into. So i didn't have to go through the whole trial and conviction thing and i was glad more than ever. I didn't even wanna hear his name.

I had recently met the girl who had saved my life. Her name was Lilith and she was the one who had fortunalately heard me scream from that abandoned house.

If it hadn't been for her, the police might have never found me and i think i'd still be stuck in that horrid and ratchet place.

Just thinking about it gave me chills and i almost felt like i was back there, in the cage, unable to move my legs with huge jolts of pain going up my arm.

I still can't really move my legs that well so i usually sit in a weelchair if i want to head out for a bit but to be honest it's isn't the most comfortable i've ever been.

Better than the abandoned house though thats for sure.

My mom and sister were fine and thankfully weren't hurt as badly as i was. Mom was just druged and so it didn't take long for her to get to her senses, and my sister had gotten a hit on her head with multiple scratches and bruises all over her body which are now all healed because it's been almost two weeks since that happened.

Everyone seemed to calm down a little and i had gotten many messages from friends and fellow idols back in Korea, asking how I was doing and if I was okayn

I had to get a new phone since my old was taken and destroyed by the stalker when i first reached the abandoned house.

Everyone was extremely worried and i felt bad to worry them even more with my serious injuries. I just hoped that no one would talk to me and i'd just be left alone. Atleast for now that it.

But there is one person i have been dying to talk to.


I haven't seen him even once during my time here in the hospital. Even though i know that he was there when i waa rescued and when i was taken to the hospital, but i haven't seen him since.

Its been almsot two weeks and i've tried messaging him but no luck.

I wonder if he's okay, i wonder why he won't talk to me. Is he embarrasses? And it gets me so frustrated that i can't move nor walk, because if i could then maybe i'd have some freedom of leaving this hospital and visiting him personally. But that seems almost impossible now.

These two weeks have probably been the longest weeks of my entire life, even longer than my kidnapping.

Atleast in the kidnapping i could imagine and hope that one day i'd get to see Yoongi, my friends and family safe and sound. But seeing my mom and sister physcially hurt, seeing my members crying and Mark just staying in corner silent not speaking at all. It all just broke my heart.

It made me feel extremely guilty. To have to put them through this just because i was unable to protect myself. It put such a harsh and heavy lode on me, i didn't want anyone to go through that, its just awful.

And not seeing Yoongi has made it all the more worse. All i can imagine him doing is just sitting and thinking about how selfish i was to make him feel such a way. To make him suffer so much and to make him see the people he cares about get hurt just because i wasn't strong enough to defend myself.

I know thats not exactly what he's thinking of, but everyday i get a little more certain that thats exactly what he's thinking of. And that i should have properly defended myself so all this wouldn't be happening.

And i hurt the fans too. I made them worry tirelessly about me for a whole ass week and even though i saw so many supportive comments i just couldn't help but feel guilty for showing my weakness.

I hated how vulnerable i appeared. It made me feel pathetic about myself, i couldn't even defend myself against one guy. ONE GUY. People have fought tons together and won while i couldn't even get past one, completely inexperienced guy who barely knew what he was doing.

If i could just have been a little more stronger then maybe right now i would be preforming with Red Velvet and i would be able to hear the cheers of our fans screaming our names and feel the adrenaline rush that always washes over me throughout our performances.

Its a beautiful feeling and i miss it so much.

I just wish i wasn't stuck in this hospital bed all weak and vulnerable.

It was similar to the abandoned house, just that i was safer now and not illegally brought here. But the feeling and mental stress was totally the same. And i hated it.

"Wendy," the nurse said opening the door and poking her head through "You've got a visiter." She said as i signed.

Great, more people to deal with.

I rolled my eyes and i looked at who was my visiter with no interest what so ever.

Its probably my mom or the girls.

But the person that i saw standing in the door frame was neither my mom nor my members.


"I'll leave you two alone." The nurse said as i felt glad she left the room as quicky as she came in.

The silence in the room lasted for a long time. It was just the two of us, and the suspensful and tourmenting silence.

"Why didn't you visit befo--"

"Look Seungwan," he started very seriously as i felt myself get quiet instantly, feeling intimidated which was weird since he often didn't scare me.

"We really need to talk."

"Yeah i know--"

"And its not about your kidnapping or your injuries or anything that you think it will be." he said as i stared at him confused.


He barely got here and he's already making me feel so frustrated which is actualy the opposite of what i thought i'd feel once i saw him again.

"We need to talk about us."

What do you think Yoongi wants to talk to Wendy about?

Total words: 1267


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