My Girlfriend

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Wendy's P.O.V

"Okay but like why didn't you tell the others you were here? They were worried sick." I said as Yoongi just looked at the floor with his hands in his pocket.

We were currently at SM entertainment's rooftop. Not a while ago Irene unnie had gotten a text from Namjoon oppa that Yoongi was nowhere to be found and that he just disappeared for a few hours without returning.

I had tried calling Yoongi after finding out the news and it was on the fifth call that he had messaged me to meet him at the buildings rooftop but not to tell anyone.

I secretly snuck out without my members knowing and met him here but i still don't know the reason for this.

"I wanted to be alone..." He said in a low voice, like a kid who was getting scolded by his mom for not cleaning his room.

"You can be reallyyy weird sometimes you know that?" I said as he pouted finally looking up at me.

Not gonna lie he looked kinda hot right now with his blue jeans and plain white shirt. Yoongi the only man ever who could make such a simple outfit look so hot.

"You look pretty." He said giving me a lopsided smile. I felt taken aback, since when did he start complimenting me?

"Whatever, stop trying to flatter me it won't work." I said crossing my arms. Why is he so bipolar i swear i second ago he was pouting and being all innocent and now this sudden flirting. He can be so confusing sometimes i swear.

"I wasn't trying to flatter you i mean it, you look really pretty." He said with sincerity in his voice, i still wasn't letting my guard down.

"Anyway what are you doing here?" I asked in more gentle tone as i realized i was being to harsh earlier. He didn't reply but instead come forward until he was standing right in front of me.

"I'll show you." He said holding my hand before leading me further into the huge rooftop. We reached the back where we could easily see the pretty sunset.

"Wow..." I said dumbfounded, "I never knew our building had such a good view of the sun and the sky." I said as he smiled.

"Yeah, but that isn't the full reason i brought you here." He said pointing to the cloth on the floor with multiple delicious foods and dishes placed on it.

My mouth went o as i looked at the goodies. I didn't even notice them because of the view. "Did you make this?" I asked surprised as he nodded calmly, acting cool.

"Oooooo since when did you start cooking?" I asked slowly sitting down on one side of the cloth as he sat on other side, until we were facing each other directly.

"Jin hyung gave me some tips." He said looking proud of his creation. "What made you do this whole romantic gesture?" I asked almost too casually.

He blushed red before answering "I don't know. I was free and bored, i just felt like it." He said looking down at the food, trying to hide his tomato red face.

I bit my lip trying to stop myself from smiling as he placed some food on my plate and continued doing the same thing for himself.

We ate the food he made while enjoying the beautiful sunset. This was something new to me but i'm definitely not complaining.

Usually our dates would be us hanging out and chilling, i'd mostly do the romantic gestures while he'd just do the small things behind the scenes. I was always the more romantic and affectionate one but seeing how he had prepared this of me i felt a sudden rush of warmth.

Wait... this is a date right?

He went out of his way and spent hours on doing something he wasn't comfortable with just for me, if that doesn't scream date i don't what could.

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