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Wendy's P.O.V

What the hell.

What is he doing here? And why is he in Canada? In my kitchen? Talking to my mom....



I never told mom that me and Yoongi had gotten back together and i knew she hated the guys guts.

But from what i'm seeing here she's smiling. Wow, never thought i'd see my mom smiling at my former ex-boyfriend.

And so i stood there in shock, unable to move and function until my mom noticed i was standing there, eyeing the two of them suspiciously.

"Oh! Seungwan! You're awake. Thankgod, i thought you died or something." My mom said as i bit my lip, purposfully avoiding eye contact with either of them.

"Oh yeah, i guess i was more tired than expexted." I said as i just stood there, feeling awkward as hell.

Oh god, what do i do now?

"Do you want me to make you waffles too?" My mom asked, breaking the silence as i bravely looked up at her and nodded hoping all with my heart that she doesn't notice just how nervous and scared i am.

Does mom even remember Yoongi?

I out of instinct looked at Yoongi and i felt a little flustered when he was staring right back at me, but not with smile on his face like before.

He looked more worried.

And concerned.

My gaze softened as i looked at him lovingly.

Does he think i'm not happy to see him?

Damn, he came to visit me all the way from Korea and here i am not even bothering to say hi.

No wonder he thinks i'm not happy about it.

I smiled back at him as i tried to contain my excitement and admiration.

Wow, is this what it feels like to have someone care about you so much? Cause i could really get used to this.

"Here you guys go. I need to be somewhere so i'll leave you two alone." Mom said placing two plates of waffles and two glasses of orange juice on the table.

Before heading out she gave me a look of reassurement as i mouthed "thankyou" back.

After she left i saw Yoongi who was still staring at me, his face blank now.

Now i get why his fans call him little meow meow.

He's such a cat!

He tapped the seat next to him as i lazily went over and sat down there.

I was about to grab my plate of waffles when another hand got to them first. He cut a piece of the waffles with the fork and knife and fed me a piece.

"Are you not happy to see me here?" He asked, feeding me another piece of the delicious homemade waffles.

"Wat?" I asked my mouth full of food as chuckled at me, shaking his head.

"No i'm not. What made you think that?" I said  after swallowing my food. He looked away, staring at all the pictures placed on the wall.

"Is that your sister?" he asked looking at a picture of my sister, Seunghee, and me at a park when we were staying in Canada.

"Yeah.... i miss her." I said now staring deeply at the picture.

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