And So We Talked

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Joy's P.O.V

"Unnie, are you sure you don't want to eat. I ordered some pretty good food." I said knocking on Wendy unnie's door, hoping she would finally open up and talk about what happened.

Here we were, back at the Red Velvet dorm, but everyone was back at their homes with their families. Well except for me and Wendy unnie as you can see.

Since my parents had to go abroad to work i could only visit them for two days so i had come back yesterday to find Wendy unnie home, crying in the bathroom.

She had insisted on me getting some rest and sleep since i was propably tired but the next morning she had locked her doors and didn't let me in all day, even though she hadn't eaten anything before sleeping.

If she even did sleep that is.

"Unnie, come on i got some chicken and beer, one of your favorites." I said hoping that maybe some good food would actually make her get out of the room. Its not like she won't eat all day. She has to at one point.

"Unnie...." I said in a lower tone, okay maybe food was not my best option.

"Unnie, seriously what happened? Did something happen with your sister? Oh! Was it your dad? Wait don't tell me Suga oppa did something bad! Cause i swear to god i don't care if he's my sunbae but i will murder him and he better watch out for his manho--!" I started but got cut off when Wendy unnie opened the door and put her hand on my mouth.

"My dad cheated on my mom. You happy now Sooyoung?" She said in a bitter tone before pushing me away and going towards the fresh chicken and beer placed on the kitchen counter.

I stood there, unable to move, and unable to say anything. I expected that the reason would for her whole breakdown would be bad but i never expected it to be so horrible. I was not prepared for that. I don't think anyone was.

"Oh my god, unnie..." I said as she just shrugged it off and opened the bottle of beer taking a sip and then sitting down on the couch.

Red velvet has been together for many years, and we've been there for each other through thick and thin. And i know that whenever Wendy unnie needs comforting, its not the lets-hug-and-cry-together kind its more like the lets-watch-movies-and-forget-our-problems kind.

And right now, i'm sure she desperatly needs some humour and fun in her life.

Think Sooyoung, think!

"Oh! Unnie i downloaded that famous western TV show you said to watch. Friends right? It has Korean subtitles too so we both can watch it together." I said taking out the DVD from my bag as she just chuckled at my antics and grabbed the rest of the chicken, bringing it towards the couch so we could eat while watching the show.

I sat on the couch, smiling and trying not to show any emotions of sadness that i felt towards her. Cause if i know one thing about Wendy unnie, its that she hates it when other people see her weaknesses and give her signs of pity.

She absolutely hates it. Thats the last thing you would want to do with her if she's sad.

"Yeah, sure lets watch it. I need some time off from all these problems. I think i've dwelled on it enough." She said as i smiled at her before stealing her can of beer.

"Hey! Thats mine!"

"Just because you had a rough night doesn't mean i'm allowing you to get drunk." I said before slowly handing her back her can of beer which was already finished half way through.

"Anyway, did you know," Wendy unnie started as the first pilot episode of friends started playing. "Yoongi visited me for a day in Canada and he took me out on a date." She said my eyes went wide in shock.

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