A Stalker?

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Wendy's P.O.V

"S-stay back..."

"I-i can't. I love you Wendy. We are meant to be, don't you get it?" He said as i saw his face, he was handsome but he was was smiling at me like he had gone crazy.

Gosh, i'm so scared.

"P-please. What have i done to you?" I asked tears openly falling down my eyes. I can't take this anymore.

"Nothing sweetie. But its your destiny. We are meant to be Wendy, and you need to realize that, my love." He said, running his hand through my hair as i screamed.

~~ 1 week before ~~

"Unnie, this is a little frightening. Are you sure that we shouldn't ask our company to set up some extra security?" Joy asked as i smiled at her.

"It's probably nothing just some delulu fan. Anyway, what harm can he do when i have all four of you protecting me." I said as Irene unnie scoffed. "Yeah right. You're  the most muscular out of all of us. Like we could save anyone."

"Yeah but whats one guy against four asian girls." I said Yeri chuckled. "Unnie is right! NO HARM SHALL COME UPON OUR DEAR MAIDEN WENDY AS LONG AS WE SHALL REMAIN BY HER SIDE." Seulgi exclaimed standing up on the sofa, trying to act funny.

"Alright lameass, show's over. We need to get to inkigayo for our performance." Irene said pulling Seulgi down from the sofa and heading outside to our van where our manager was waiting for us.

While we were walking Joy hugged me from the side and said "Are you sure you don't need any extra--"

"It'll be fine Joy. Nothing will happen." I said trying to sound firm as she took a deep breath and nodded.

Apparently news got out that some weird stalker of mine was out causing trouble and telling everyone that i was his so called 'soulmate' or whatever. So dumb i swear.

And so i tried forgetting about the whole thing the group went through our normal schedules for the day, doing promotions, practicing, attending meetings and of course interviews.

It was almost somewhere in the evening and we had to attend a flight to go to Japan for a concert.

Everyone was pretty exhausted but atleast we'll be able to get some sleep during the flight, i hope.

We sat down and the plane boarded. Yeri was sitting besides me while the others were either in front of us or behind of us.

"Unnie look at this." Yeri said showing me a funny meme she had found while scrolling through her fake instagram account.

"Nice, send that to me." I said as she nodded.

I closed my eyes, hoping that'll i feel sleepy enough to fall asleep during this awfully noisey plane ride.

"No! I'm telling you i need to see her!"

"Sir, you need a first class ticket to enter--"

"You don't get it! She's my soulmate! I'm her future husband!"

"Sir, i'm sorry but you can't enter--"

"You bitch! Fucking let me through or i'll chop off your head!"

"Oh my god, whose making so much noise!" Yeri exclaimed, looking back to see what was all the comotion about.

I felt pretty curious to see what was going on so i looked as well only to see a few security guards trying to stop a man from entering.

He was Korean and looked somewhere in his mid-twenties. He was very handsome but the fact that he was cursing at innocent flight attendant's and security guard's who were just doing their job made him lose all his charm.

"Whats happening?" Seulgi asked, also standing up from her seat to see what was going on.

"It's just some random guy trying to get through first class." I said rolling my eyes as Yeri signed.

"There! Thats her!" The guy said pointing at me. "She's the future wife i was talking about!" I stared at him in shock.

What the fuck?

"Yeri looked at me her eyes exploding and her face expressing just pure shock and confusion.

"Ma'am, is this man related to you? I'm sorry but he doesn't seem to have the ticket so he won't be able to enter--"

"It's fine. He's lying, i don't know him." I said smiling at the flight attendant as she asked the guards to get the creepy guy out of here.

"Weird...." Seulgi said sitting back down. "What was that? Why did he say you were his wife?" Yeri asked as i shrugged my shoulders. It was probably just some lame act to get into first class. Pathetic honestly.

"I feel like i've seen him somewhere..." She muttered as i signed and went back to trying to sleep.

"Hsjdhdjb unnie!" Yeri screamed as i jumped up in shock. "Ge'ez you scared me!" I said hitting Yeri's shoulder as i sat back down, trying to calm down.

"He's not just some random guy trying to get into first class." Yeri started as Joy popped up from behind and listened "He's your stalker we were talking about earlier!" She yelled catching some attention from other people as Joy just smiled and apologized in her adorable broken english for the noise we were making.

"What?" Irene exclaimed from her seat in front of us as she stood up on her seat and turned to face us, just like Joy had. And a while later Seulgi had joined the party too.

"Ew creepy." Seulgi as i mentally agreed with her. "Wow, so you're saying that he found out which flight we were talking, boarded our flight, but couldn't see us since we were in first class?" Irene spoke as i slowly started feeling uncomfortable.

"And thats why he got so mad at the flight attendents. Because they wouldn't let him see me." I said.

Maybe this is more serious than i thought. "He even pointed at you and said you'd be his future wife." Yeri said as i made an extremely disgusted look. No, i don't want to be anyone's wife yet, thankyou very much.

"I don't like this. They obviously can't take him out of the plane he's probably still here." Joy whined as she pouted, not liking the idea of us staying around with my stalker so close.

"Yeah, and our manager is sitting in second class, he's too far away to talk to. And i don't want to take the risk of going outside and getting captured by him." Seulgi said. "Why would he capture you? He's Wendy's stalker you know."

"He could use me as bait or hostage." She said as we all looked at her like she had grown two heads. He wouldn't that far would he?

"What? He's a freaking psycho! You never what he's capable of!" She yelled as we all nodded in agreement.

"Point taken."

"Lets just all keep our eyes and ears open for now. And Wendy if you go anywhere make sure to tell us or take one of us with you okay?" Irene unnie said as i nodded. Aren't we taking this too seriously?

Whatever to make the girls feel comfortable, i guess.

Lets just hope this concert doesn't end up a disaster.

Yup, so i had the stalker idea in my head for quite some while now and i finally decided to add it to the plot.

I got this idea from Nayeon and her creepy stalker(hate that dude 😑😑)  and i wanted to use it in this story.

So what do you think will happen next? (It's pretty obvious but still!)

Don't forgot to vote and cocmment!


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