What the Fuck!?

911 27 2

 Double update! I hope you enjoy!

Wendy's P.O.V

"Yeri! Hurry up!"

"Okay okay, just wait a sec!"


"Yeah unnie?"

"Why are your clothes all over your room!?"

"Well it's not like they'll come in and check out our rooms."

"Either way, you should really clean it up. I'm coming back in 5 minutes and if this room isn't clean you just wait."

"Ughhh! Fine."

"Seulgi! What are you even wearing!? Get some normal clothes on!"

"But this is BTS we're talking about! I wanna impress them at least!"

"With that outfit, you stand no chance." i said savagely as Seulgi frowned and headed back into her room to change.

"This place is a mess!"

"Calm down Unnie we aren't gonna die if this place doesn't look nice." Yeri said coming out of the guest room.

"What were you doing in there?" I asked, curious about what she was doing.

"Irene unnie asked me set up the guest room. Make it look perfect." she said mocking Irene unnie as Irene gave her glare

"And i'll be very happy if you did your job right." Irene said looking really serious.

"Relax. The guest room looks fine. Plus it's not like they'll come into our dorm and be like 'Okay, where are the bedrooms and guest rooms, lets see if this place is perfect or not. Everything must be clean!'. Just chill out unnie." Yeri said as the thought of Yoongi going around our dorm checking if the place was nice made me alomst crack a laugh.

"Whatever. How long till they get here?" Irene asked me as i looked at my watch.

"About 10 more minutes." I said as she took a deep breath.

"Joy! Is your room clean?"

"Nae, Unnie! Just finishing up some final touches!"

"Seulgi! Let me see your outfit!" Irene said i turned to find Seulgi in a nice chic outfit.

"Seulgi! Let me see your outfit!" Irene said i turned to find Seulgi in a nice chic outfit

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"That'll do for now i guess." she said as the doorbell rang.

"Dang it, their here!" Joy said in a nervous tone, coming out of her bedroom. Irene quickly headed towards the door but before she opened it she turned around and said "Do i look okay?" I had an urge to laugh at her cuteness but now wasn't the time.

"Yup you look great." i reassured her with a thumbs up as she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

Actually we all looked pretty good in our outfits, though i don't mean to brag.

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