Chapter 1 - Begin

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"Taehyung-ah, you need to be super quiet for me okay? Soon, those men will come here and try to take us all away, I need you to stay here and make sure no one hears you"

Taehyung nodded, tears streaming down his red cheeks as he made his way through a secret door in the garden of the orphanage. Taehyungs mother was killed when he was pup, people were awestruck by their striking appearances, they were the most beautiful omegas of the pack. Taehyung as a baby was already in high demand, alphas from all over would try to claim the pup and his mother for their own.

When a group of alphas tried to take her son, she left him in an orphanage to save him and sacrifice herself to keep him safe and safe he was, until today. A pack of unknown wolves raided the orphanage, looking to take any beta or omega they could find, some would be sold as servants, others as toys depending on their age. Taehyung was 15 now and not far from coming of age. Taehyung thought he was lucky enough to escape when he opened the door to the other side of the secret tunnel, only to be met with a masked wolf looking down at him. Before he could register what was happening, he felt a quick blow to his head and everything went dark.


A deep voice boomed and startled Taehyung out of his slumber. He slowly opened his eyes and started taking in his surroundings, he was in a cold concrete room with beds lined across the wall and guards standing at doors on either side and one man who he guessed screamed at everyone to wake up. He looked around and noticed a few faces from the orphanage along with some wolves he'd never seen before. Everyone had their hands tied behind their backs and were either kneeling or still sleeping. The deep voice bellowed again, pushing him out of his thoughts.

"Now that all of you are somewhat awake, I think it is time to tell you some ground rules, sound good?" No one dared to speak so the man continued.

"Okay number one, you are not to speak unless spoken to. Number two, you must do as you're told or face the consequences and they will NOT be pleasant. Number 3, during meal times, you will finish everything on your plate, we don't want any of you pretty pets dying on us, do we?" he smirked and made eye contact with Taehyung, winking slightly. Taehyung quickly looked down and let the man finish his rules.

"Number 4, you will all be given a new set of clothes and access to shower. There will be guards with you so don't try anything funny. You are to wear the clothes and make yourself presentable for tomorrow. We're having an auction and you will be the main event. Number 5, once we remove your ties, no one is to try anything, there is no way to escape here so don't try. Now, my guards will untie you, I will see you all in two hours for dinner".

With that, the man left the room and the guards began to untie everyone. Once he was free he ran over to his friend from the orphanage, a beta named Bogum. He was only a year older than Tae and was due to leave the orphanage that year, it hurt Taehyung to know he ended up here.

"Hyung, are you okay? Shall I check you over? Does your head hurt?", he asked noticing a cut on his forehead.

Bogum just chuckled slightly and ruffled Taehyungs hair, looking into his big eyes that were full of concern.

"Taehyung-ah, I'm okay. Are you okay? I was hoping you managed to escape before they got you"

"I thought I did hyung but they found out about the tunnel and caught me at the other end. Hyung I'm scared, what are they going to do to us?"

"I have no idea Tae, what I do know is that I will try everything I can to protect you"

Taehyung spent the next hour lying down on Bogums lap, the two of them discussing life before they ended up here and recalling fond times to help ease the stress. Bogum was stroking Taehyungs hair and laughing with him when they heard the door slam open and the same man from earlier walked in.

"It's time for dinner"

One by one, they were all given a tray with soup, rice and a few simple side dishes.

"Now, we have counted every dish, chopstick and spoon given to you, once you are done eating, the guards will count and collect everything to ensure nothing is missing. Once you have all eaten, you will be taken to shower and given your new clothes to wear tomorrow. We will be back in an hour"

With that, he left the room, leaving one guard to supervise the captured wolves. Taehyung and Bogum sat close together while they ate. Once they were done, the guards collected the dishes as promised and the same man walked in. They were taken to shower, Taehyung not leaving Bogums side, they had seen each other naked before when they were swimming in a lake late at night so there was no awkwardness between the two. They were given their clothes and sent to sleep, Taehyung snuggling into Bogums arms in his single bed, slowly drifting off.

They were woken up the next morning by the sound of an alarm and a voice over an intercom. Guard started walking in with breakfast trays as the voice spoke.

"My pets, I cannot be there this morning, my apologies. Breakfast will be served soon and you are to change into your clothes right away"

The intercom clicked off and they all began to eat and change. Once they were done, they were taken into a room with a huge glass wall. One the other side, they saw men in business suits, lab coats and some even with just jeans, sitting down in lavish chairs with expensive drinks in their hands. One by one, the captured wolves were brought up the middle and sold to the highest bidder. Taehyung intertwined his fingers nervously with Bogums, knowing he would be leaving him soon. A guard came to drag Bogum out and Taehyung began to panic. He started crying and gripping onto Bogum.

"No" Hyung! Don't take him away from me! Don't take my hyung away from me!"

"Tae-ah, it's going to be okay" Bogum tried to stay calm, tears forming in his own eyes as he looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung continued screaming until they heard an alarm blare out and a voice begin to speak.

"GUARDS! These two will be sold as a pair, bring them to the middle"

Confused and scared, Taehyung just gripped onto Bogums arm as they were brought to a podium in the middle. The bids started coming in and Taehyung looked nervously around at the people holding up cards. The voices became muffled and his vision hazy as he tried to take everything in.

"SOLD!" a voice broke out.

He watched as a well-groomed man in a lab coat smirked at him and Bogum and before he knew it, he was being dragged into a dark car with his friend, being driven to their next prison.

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