Chapter 28 - Dream, Reality

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"What? It's way too early Tae"

"Jungkook, I'm not wrong about this", Taehyung groaned out as the pain intensified.

"Come on baby, I'll get you to the hospital", trying to sound calm when every fibre of his being was ridden with fear.

Jungkook picked Taehyung up, carrying downstairs and into the car. They didn't have time to pack a hospital bag, thinking they had a few more weeks to go. He helped Taehyung in the car, carefully putting his seatbelt on and jumping into the drivers' seat. He started the ignition and quickly called Hoseok.

"Koo- "

"Hyung, Taehyung is in labour"

"No, no it's too early"

"Hyu- "

"AARGH, Jungkook! Drive faster please"

Jungkook panicked and drove through a red light, just wanting the pain to stop for his mate, his wolf was howling in worry and despair.

"Taehyung? Listen to me okay, just breathe, breathe through it if you can. It'll help, deep breathes in and out, through your nose and out your mouth, come on, do it with me", Suhos soft voice came through the speaker.

Taehyung followed his instructions the best he could, struggling as the pain inside him grew.

"Jungkook, I've called doctor Choi, he'll be waiting for you when you get there, you've got to hurry. I'll be as quick as I can okay?"

"Yes hyung"

Jungkook disconnected the call as he pulled into the hospital. True to word, doctor Choi was waiting with a wheelchair and helped Jungkook take Taehyung out of the car. They quickly but carefully placed him into the wheelchair, Jungkook making sure to keep a tight grip on his hand as he groaned in agony. He was wheeled into an elevator, taking him to the designated room. Nurses came in to help Taehyung out of his clothes and into a hospital gown before helping him into the bed and they told Jungkook to stay by his head for support. He held Taehyungs hand and kissed his forehead as the doctor went between Taehyungs legs to examine him.

"He's already coming up close to 10cm", the doctor spoke to two of the nurses, "we won't have time to administer pain relief. Mr Kim, I need you to put on the mask the nurse gives you and breathe in okay?"

"What is that? Why isn't there any pain relief?"

"He is really close to being fully dilated so we can't risk giving him an epidural, we will give him nitrous oxide that will help with the pains"

Jungkook was about to respond when he heard Taehyung call his name, taking his full attention.

"Kookie, it hurts so b-bad, make it s-stop please"

"It'll be okay baby, just breathe for me okay? Come on baby, breathe with me"

Jungkook was stroking his distressed mates' hair, sweat sticking to his hand as he helped him regulate his breathing. Taehyung gripped his hand harder as a fresh surge of pain ripped through his body. Jungkooks heart was on the verge of beating out of his chest as he watched him scrunch his face in pain.

Two nurses helped bring a machine to Taehyungs side and put a mask on his face, telling him to breathe the gas in slowly. Taehyung had two pulls from the mask and he could feel the pain easing but it was still enough to make him scream.

"Mr Kim, I'm going to have to do an internal exam, please try to relax for me, this might hurt a little"

"AA-AAH!", a painful scream erupted from Taehyung throat as the doctor put his fingers inside"

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