Chapter 24 - Make it Right

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"Tae, baby, can you come over here? We have something to tell you".

Taehyung put Yeontan down and sat opposite Hoseok and Jungkook, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"What's going on?"

"It's a long story but you have to bear with us okay? We can't have you getting too stressed so if at any point, what we're telling you becomes too much, tell us and we'll stop okay?"

"You're scaring me hyung, what's going on?"

"We know why you got sick and who did it to you", Hoseok started.

"But before we can tell you", Jungkook continued, "you need to know that we'll make sure something like this never happens again baby".

"Who was it?"

"My father"

Taehyungs eyes grew wide and his lips parted slightly, words threatening to leave this lips but never really finding a way to do so.

"This joke isn't funny"

"It's not a joke Taebear. I know someone that did some digging into his past and as it turns out, he had something with your mom before she met your dad"

"Was he the reason she died and I had to be sent away?"

"Yes baby, I had no idea that it happened and I'm sorry I couldn't save you from what happened", Jungkook spoke as he took his hand in his own.

Taehyung held his head low, his eyes fixated on the ground. He couldn't look up to meet Jungkooks or Hoseoks gaze.

"Where is he now?"

"I killed him"

" what?", Taehyungs eyes shot up as he yanked his hand away from Jungkooks grip.

"Baby listen- "

"You killed someone?!", Taehyung was standing up and backing away by this point.

Hoseok had quickly gotten to his feet and put an arm around Taehyung in an attempt to calm him down.

"Come sit down baby, just listen to Jungkook okay?"

Taehyung was shaking but Hoseok soothing voice pushed him to sit and continue listening.

"Baby you have to understand, there is something about me you don't know and I was hoping to tell you later so you don't get scared or leave. I'm a Prime".

Even Hoseok couldn't contain his shock as he tightened his grip on Taehyungs shoulders.

"That can't be, it's said there are none today and the last one was killed because of how out of control he was"

"I know hyung, I've been taking pills to supress the urges I get but when you told me someone hurt my mate, my soulmate, my Tae I-I snapped and I had to hurt whoever did it. I'm so sorry Taehyung, I never wanted to scare you or put you in any danger and now, I don't know what happens. My urges came out when I was on the suppressants. I don't know if it'll happen again and I can't bear to think of me hurting you if it gets out of control. I know you're both probably scared but I would never hurt either of you or my friends on purpose. I remember you and Bogum hyung were there and as much as my wolf had the desire to kill, I didn't have it in me to hurt you, I'm still me. Tae, baby, I understand if you don't want to talk to me but I will never hurt you, I swear".

Hoseok and Taehyung just stared at Jungkook, his eyes were brimming with tears threatening to spill and his mouth had turned into a cute pout at the end of his speech. His shoulders deflated as the silence went on and he was ready to give up when Taehyung walked over to him, cupped his face and pulled him into a long, sweet kiss.

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