Chapter 18 - Moonchild

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It's been three days since Jungkook has been knotting Taehyung and he's never been more exhausted. His body was healing fast and he didn't feel pain other than when Jungkook was growing inside him but he was tired, tired from being woken up at a ridiculous hour to satisfy Jungkooks wolf.

On the third day, he was on the phone to Hoseok as Jungkook was having a bath, they decided it was best not to take any together for the time being as the last one resulted in the bathroom almost flooding from Jungkooks violent thrusting.

"How you feeling Taehyung?"

"I'm okay hyung, how's living with Bogum been?"

"Not bad, it's nice having someone around but I miss taking care of you. Do you need anything?"

"Should be okay, we've still got plenty of food left and I don't want to burden you hyung"

"You're never a burden to me Tae. You know that!"

"You really are the best hyung I could ask for. Jungkooks coming back now, I'll call you later okay?"

"Okay Tae love you"

"Love you more hyung"

As he hung up, he saw the bathroom door open to reveal Jungkook with a towel around his waist and another in his hand, used to ruffle the water out of his hair. He still had drops of water over his toned body, glistening as his muscles flex whenever he moved.

"Want to take a picture?"

Taehyung shook his head out of his trance "Shush"

Jungkook just laughed at his cute behaviour and his pouting. He dried himself off and threw on a jumper and some jeans, leaving a towel around his shoulders to catch any water from his hair. He walked over to Taehyung and sat by him on the bed.

"Want to go out for lunch?"

"Are you sure that's okay? What if, you know, you get the urge?" He blushed slightly at the thought of them having sex again.

"Yeah, I feel a lot more relaxed and I don't think we need to worry about it for a couple weeks. Unless you wanna go again?" he smirked and nudged Taehyung.

"Yah! Do you want me to be split in two?! I'm going to get dressed pervert" Taehyung sassed and stood up, swaying his hips on the way to the wardrobe.

Such a tease Jungkook thought as he watched Taehyung take out some skinny jeans and an oversized shirt, hanging off his delectable collarbones. Jungkook finished drying off his hair before slipping on some shoes and leaving the house with Taehyung. They drove with the windows down, catching some well deserved fresh air before stopping at a small restaurant for lunch.

"What's with the smile?"

"Huh? Oh, it's just that place reminds me of the restaurant Hoseok hyung found when we escaped that lab. I can't believe how much has changed in that time"

Jungkook took Taehyungs hand in his own and held it over the table.

"I can never thank Hoseok or Bogum enough for taking you out of there, without them, I wouldn't be the happiest person alive. I know what happened a couple weeks ago is still fresh but I promise to do a better job of protecting you from now on. I won't let anything bad happen again baby"

"I know but sometimes things happen that we can't control"

"I would kill for you Taehyung. Before you, I could never have imagined myself doing that but for you, I would"

"Let's hope it never comes to that or close"

Jungkook kissed the back of Taehyungs hand and soon their food had arrived. They enjoyed each other's company as they ate, making jokes and having light hearted conversation. Everything felt right and nothing could have ruined this moment for them. After lunch, they headed back to Taehyungs house to visit Hoseok. Taehyung turned his keys in the door and stepped into the eerily quiet house.

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