Chapter 7 - I'm Fine

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"Tae, you don't have to do this" Jungkook whispered, trying to make sure none of the others heard.

"Do what?" Namjoon raised his eyebrow slightly

"Nothing, he's not doing anything. Taehyung take the shot" Jungkooks voice was growing a bit urgent.

Taehyungs fingers slowly reached out to pick up the glass but before he it could reach his lips, Jimin took the glass away.

"Hyung" Taehyungs eyes grew wider.

The room was silent for few moments and before anything else could happen, Hoseok burst into the room.

"Tae, what's wrong?"

"They know hyung"

"Know what?"

"Nothing" Jungkook started, "Hoseok hyung, I think we should go home now"

"Not until someone tells me what is going on here and why my Tae looks so upset"

They all looked at each other before Jin began explaining.

"We were playing a game where someone asks you a question and if it turns out to be true, you have to take a shot" he stopped and looked around at his friends.

"I asked Taehyung if he was really a beta" Jimin confessed quietly.

"I knew letting you come here was a bad idea, come on Tae, we're going home"

Hoseok stomped over and grabbed Taehyungs hand, pulling him to his feet. Jungkook quickly jumped to his feet and started to follow them.

"Wait! Let me explain, please!"

"I think we should let him explain hyung" Taehyung said quietly, turning to Jimin who was pleading.

Hoseok sighed as he looked into Taehyungs deep eyes, "You have 5 minutes to explain"

The three turned around and Jimin began explaining himself.

"Ever since I've been young, I could smell any type of wolf a mile off, no matter what type of cover they tried to use. I knew Taehyung was an omega from the moment I walked past him and the necklace you wear? I used to wear the same one. That's why I spoke to you before anyone could, I know something bad must have happened if you're hiding who you are, because that's what happened to me"

Jimin started trembling slightly and his voice faltered, he felt Yoongis arms wrap around him reassuringly and he carried on.

"I was meaning to talk to you about it on your own but didn't know if you trusted me. Then I realised Jungkook knew and I was confused and I guess hurt maybe? I know it wasn't right to do it like this but- "

Jimin couldn't finish his sentence as the tears began to fall and Yoongi stepped in to speak, holding Jimin close to him, his head on his shoulder as he pat the back of his head.

"We don't mean nay harm to Taehyung, if anything, we want to protect him and we're sorry we let this happen"

"We're really sorry" Jin and Namjoon apologised in unison.

Hoseok looked at Tae who was holding Jungkooks hand and crying quietly. He looked at the four in front of him, apologetic with nothing but love and care and their eyes and realised that Taehyung could be himself around these boys.

"Taehyung-ah, I think it's okay now"

Taehyung took a deep breath and unlocked his fingers from Jungkook before walking over to Jimin and pulling him in for a hug and comforting him.

"Hyung, it's okay. I think it's time I told you all what happened and why I'm here now"

Hoseok noticed his phone vibrate and checked to see who had messaged him. His eyes went wide and he quickly walked over to Jungkook.

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