Chapter 27 - Love is Not Over

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Over the next few weeks, Jungkook had been trying his hardest to take care of Taehyung. He made sure to rub his back when he was throwing up in the bathroom, which luckily hadn't happened for a couple of weeks now, trying his hardest to help cure any craving that came his way and holding as he cried when his hormones got the best of him. A major part of him did this because Taehyung is his pregnant mate and he deserved the best but another part of him did it because he wanted to prove to Taehyung that he wasn't a burden to him. So that's how he ended up in the kitchen at 2:45am, making a batch of French fries and a hot chocolate.

"I thought you could use the company", he heard Taehyung speak quietly behind him.

"Baby go back to bed, I'll bring these up to you", Jungkook yawned slightly as he turned his attention back to the fries.

Taehyung pouted before walking closer to Jungkook and wrapping his hands around his waist, resting his chin on his shoulder as he looked up at him. Jungkook turned slowly and pecked Taehyung on the lips quickly, holding his arms with one hand as he used the other to pull out the now done fries. He quickly set them on the side and added some salt before turning his attention to the half made hot chocolate on the counter. He continued what he was doing as Taehyung gripped onto him like a koala. He waddled around the kitchen with the smaller male on his back, not bothering to ask him to move, enjoying the closeness.

"Come on baby, it'll all done now. I'll carry it up for you"

Taehyung gave him a kiss and turned to run up the stairs. Taehyung hated being alone now, he was becoming clingier and with Hoseok gone, it only made it worse. They had all agreed, Taehyung rather reluctantly, that it would be best to give Jungkook and Taehyung space, so he could nest without worry, pregnant wolves can become very territorial and Taehyung would be no exception. Hoseok and Suho had moved a few doors down, a house that had belonged to Suho for quite some time. Even though he was close and would come around all the time, it still hurt Taehyung that he had to leave.

Taehyung jumped into bed, sitting up and waiting patiently as Jungkook shuffled in with a big plate of fries and a hot chocolate. Taehyung clapped his hands as he made his way over and placed it on the table beside him. He then got back into his side of the bed, lying down to face Taehyung before closing his eyes, listening to his partner nibble cutely on the fries in his lap.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes as sunlight made its way into the room. He blinked a couple of times before grabbing the covers and moving them cover his head completely. He snuggled back underneath and threw his leg over Jungkook who just twitched at the sudden intrusion, he turned around, eyes still shut tightly before flinging his arm over Taehyungs waist. Taehyung giggled quietly and couldn't help but reach over and poke Jungkook on his nose.

"Tae, what time is it?", Jungkook asked, his voice groggy and laced with sleep.

"9:30, is it too early? I'm sorry for disturbing you"

"You could never disturb me baby. Let's sleep for another half hour", he grumbled before pulling Taehyung closer.

Taehyung snuggled into Jungkooks neck, listening to him snore softly before waking him up at 10. Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and ears to the sound of Taehyungs stomach, he quickly lifted his shirt before leaving little butterfly kisses over his small bump. He washed himself up and went down to make them both some breakfast but before he could attempt, they found Hoseok at the table, newspaper in his hand and apron around his waist, with breakfast prepared on the table.

"Hyung, you didn't have to do this", Jungkook spoke but was slightly relieved.

"Don't be silly, I know my little Taebear has been waking you up in the middle of the night, I thought you could have the morning of", Hoseok smiled as Taehyung ran to give him a hug, he missed his hyung dearly.

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