Chapter 9 - Epiphany

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"Yugyeom stop" Jungkook tried pushing the boy away.

Yugyeom had Jungkook pressed against the wall, trying to kiss him, paying no attention to the fact that Jungkook didn't want any of this. All he could think of was Taehyung, he was bound to be here by now and all he wanted was to see him.

"Come on baby, I know you like it" Yugyeom whispered trying to land his lips on Jungkooks neck.

"I said NO" Jungkook screamed finally pushing Yugyeom of him "Why are you doing this?"

"I know you're going to be mated soon, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun before then"

"I don't want to have any fun with you"

"Why? So you can run to that fucking Taehyung? He's not good enough for you"

"Don't fucking talk about him like that again Yugyeom. I've been your friend until now but don't think I won't kick you out of here"

Yugyeom flared his nostrils and before Jungkook could react, he was pushed against the wall again, Yugyeoms hands all over him. Jungkook was trying to fight him off but froze when he saw Taehyung standing at the top of the stairs, a look of hurt in his eyes.

He used all his strength to push Yugyeom off and ran down the stairs to find Taehyung. He searched around and asked the others where he was but no one seemed to know. Just then, his head started pounding and he could hear a ringing in his ears. He fell to the floor and started breathing heavily, struggling to get back up.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon and Jin came running over to him, bending down to pick him up.

"What happened Jungkook? Are you okay?" Jin questioned as they sat him down on the couch.

"I don't know hyung, what's happening to me?"

"Look at the time Kook, you're coming of age, it won't last long" Yoongi explained.

The friends glanced at the clock and noticed it was midnight already.

"Just hang in there Kookie, we're here for you" Jimin reassured as he held onto Jungkooks hand.

Just then, Jungkooks senses were overtaken by the scent of fresh linen and vanilla. He knew he had smelt this before but why was it so powerful now? His eyes began glowing a deep red and he stood up from the couch and inhaled deeply. His body being drawn to the source of the delicious smell penetrating his senses.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon questioned

"Leave him, he can smell his mate. He won't be able to concentrate on anything else now" Yoongi put his hand on Namjoons shoulder to stop him.

Jungkook darted towards the dining room, the scent getting stronger. He could feel his vein pulsating in his body. His breathing was becoming ragged and heavy. He pushed the door open and laid his eyes on something that made his blood boil. His mate was sat on the dining table, another wolf all over him.

"Get your hands off of what's mine"

Taehyung and Bogum broke apart and turned to face an angry Jungkook. Bogum was beginning to pull away when Taehyung grabbed him the collar and pulled him closer, eyes not averting from Jungkooks gaze.

"If you're looking for Yugyeom, he's not here Jungkook" Taehyung spat and quickly went to kiss Bogum again who returned the kiss.

"I fucking mean it. Bogum, get away from him" he growled.

Bogum pulled Taehyungs hands off him and stepped away.

"Hyung, where are you going?"

"I can't do this Tae, your mate is right there and I'm not going to be the one to come between this. You should have told me the reason why this happened. Jungkook, I'm sorry, I didn't know"

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