Chapter 2 - Danger

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Bogum has Taehyung in his arms, the younger had fallen asleep. They hit a bump in the road and Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Bogum who was smiling back weakly.

"Hyung, it wasn't just a dream was it?"

Bogum could only smile sadly at him "No Tae, but I will protect you, I will be here every second"

"I love you hyung"

"I love you too Tae"

After what felt like hours, the car they were in pulled into a driveway, the bungalow to accompany it was small and looked sort of cosy. The door was opened abruptly and they were both pulled out of the car and thrown to the floor before the guards got back in the car and drove off.

At that moment, the front door the house opened and a slim, young looking man in a lab coat walked out, smiling fondly at the boys holding onto each other.

"Hi! You must be the new recruits! My name is Hoseok, I'm one of the scientists in this lab, come on, you must be cold just standing there"

The boys looked at each other and followed Hoseok into the house, keeping a safe distance and not muttering a word. Once they were in, he led them into a small kitchen and gestured for them to sit down. They sat down as far away from Hoseok as they could, not fully trusting his bright smile.

"Don't fear me, I know how this looks and I wouldn't trust anyone if I was you either bu- "

Before he could finish his sentence, the man in the lab coat from the auction walked in, pushing the door open until it hit the wall.

"Ah, my toys are already here. No doubt Hoseok just waffled on so let me get straight to the point here. My name is Youngwoon and I own the lab downstairs, don't worry you'll see it soon. We run experiments here boys and you two seem perfect for my next one. You see I'm trying to make the strongest wolf I can and a strong beta and weak omega like yourselves are perfect!"

Bogums started growling quietly and showing his teeth at the mention of the word weak.

"Don't you dare talk about him like that!" He stood up and faced Youngwoon, his eyes turning a bright shade of purple.

Taehyung started tugging on his t shirt to sit back down but Bogum carried on.

"You make me sick, you think you can just take us away from our lives and use us how you want? You can forget it, I'm not letting you touch a single hair on his head"

The room had quietened down and all that could be heard was heavy breathing from Bogum and slight whimpers from Taehyung.

"I see. Well I was going to play nice but I think I have changed my mind on what I want to do with you. What's one beta? I can find plenty more. Guards! Take the loud one and tie him up downstairs. Bring the pretty Omega so he can watch"

He smirked before he left the room and 4 guards rushed in and separated the boys from each other, ignoring their pleas and taking them downstairs. Hoseok just watched in sadness, knowing he will have to wait before could do something.

The boys quietened down when they got downstairs, in awe of the huge lab hidden underneath the house. They were dragged into a small dark room with two chairs and a table covered in cloth behind Bogum. They were tied down opposite each other, hands and feet bound, Bogum with a gag in his mouth. The guards left and Youngwoon entered the room. He walked over to the table and removed the cover. Taehyungs eyes widened in fear as he realised what was about to happen.

"No please! Please don't do this to him! Hyung - please say you're sorry, please hyung" He began pleading with both men in the room before he was cut off by evil laughter.

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