Chapter 29 - Heartbeat

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Taehyung lazily opened his eyes as he looked around the room, he noticed Jungkook asleep in the chair and smiled at him softly. He made his way to the adjoining bathroom quietly and used the toilet before coming back in and setting up some formula for the baby. He dropped something on the floor accidently, not realising the sound woke Jungkook up.

"Baby? Why are you up?"

"The baby is stirring, I was just about to feed him"

Jungkook quickly stood up, "I'll do it Tae, you should be resting"

"I'll be okay Kook, I want to do it"

Jungkook didn't reply but helped Taehyung into bed and placed the baby into his lap. He watched in adoration as Taehyung fed him, gently cooing at the baby now and again.

"We should name this guy soon Kook"

"Do you have any ideas in mind?"

"I'm happy with whatever you want"

"What do you think about Jongin?"

"Jongin", Taehyung whispered as he looked at the baby in his arms, "it's perfect, Jeon Jongin"


"Of course, one day I'll be a Jeon too"

Jungkook growled lowly with pride as he pressed a small kiss into Taehyungs temple. Jongin had finished his feeding and was babbling quietly in Taehyungs arms when a nurse walked in. Jungkook had taken Jongin and gently placed him in the cot.

"Mr Kim? You have some visitors"

Taehyung nodded and the nurse opened the door a little more, allowing Hoseok and Suho to come in, balloons in hand. Hoseok immediately rushed over to Taehyung and hugged both him and Jungkook before Suho came over and did the same, congratulating the new parents.

"How you doing Taebear?"

"Good hyung, it was really painful yesterday but I've healed really quickly. We should be able to go home this afternoon"

"Where is my little nephew?"

Hoseok turned to the cot and his eyes began to water at the sight of the baby nestled in his blanket.

"Hyung, this is Jongin"

Hoseok burst into tears as he carefully took the baby in his arms, Suho cradling around to get a glimpse of the baby Hoseok had claimed in his arms.

"He is so beautiful, he's a complete mix of you two", Suho spoke softly.

"He really is, I can't wait to introduce Eunji to her new husband".

"My baby girl is not getting married until she is 40!", Suho stated with a pout as the others began laughing.

Hoseok put Jongin down in his cot and turned to Taehyung. He smiled and pushed some of the hair out of his face.

"I'm proud of you Taehyung, you've done so well"

"Thank you hyung", he smiled back.

"Right, I've got the car seat ready and I've picked up all the bits you asked me to Jungkook"

"Thanks hyung, let me know how much it all came to"

"What bits?", Taehyung asked.

"We didn't have time to get everything ready to take the baby home so hyung helped pick up the essentials. I've ordered everything else to come to the house tomorrow", Jungkook explained.

Hoseok and Suho left soon after, giving the new parents some space with their baby before they returned home. The doctor soon made his way in and did some general check ups before allowing Taehyung to leave the hospital. He took a quick shower in the hospital bathroom and got dressed to leave. They wrapped up Taehyung and placed him in the car seat before making their way home. Taehyung had a quick nap on the way there, still feeling a little exhausted.

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