Chapter 23 - Come Back Home

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Taehyung groaned as his eyes opened slowly, adjusting to his surroundings, noticing the tubes attached to his arms, making him guess he was in a hospital. He sat up slowly and looked around to see Jin and Jimin, asleep in each other's arms on the chair by his bed.

"Hyungs?", he groaned out in a raspy voice.

"Tae?", Jin was the first to open his eyes, Jimin following soon after.

They both made their way to either side of Taehyungs bed.

"How you feeling baby?", Jimin asked.

"So much better, just feel a little groggy. How long have you guys been here?".

"Just today Tae, we came over as soon as Jungkook called".

"Where is he?"

"He's just out with Hoseok, he'll be back soon"

The friends were in the middle of their conversation when Namjoon walked in.

"Jinni- oh Tae, you're awake? How are you feeling?"

"Better thanks hyung"

"I'm so glad to hear it. I just have to steal these two away for a few minutes, I'll bring them back soon".

Tae nodded as Jimin kissed him on the cheek and Namjoon led them out of the room to meet with Yoongi and Bogum. Bogum had quickly filled them in on everything.

"So, you're telling me, Jungkook killed his own dad and two of their maids?", Jin whisper shouted.

"Yes, Hoseok hyung is there now, he said he'll deal with it but I have no idea how he is going to manage to do that".

"What about his mom?", Jimin asked.

Bogum shook his head, "He didn't kill her but didn't leave her in a good way either. I don't know how we're going to sort this out. Taehyung is awake and Jungkook will be up soon. They can't have something like this adding more stress, especially for the pup. I wouldn't be surprised if Jungkook doesn't remember what happened".

"What do you mean?", Yoongi asked.

"It's hard to explain, it's like, he was possessed or something. His eyes turned a red I have never seen in a wolf, he just saw blood. It's like he had one mission and that was to kill any threat. He almost turned on us at one point and wound his head, making this cracking noise. After he killed his dad, he just passed out".


"What?", they all asked as they turned to Namjoon.

"Jungkook went primal, I've heard of it before but it hasn't happened in over a hundred years. Primal wolves are the most dangerous, they can have uncontrollable bursts unless they learn to control it but most either don't know it's in them or have lost control before they have the chance to tame the beast".

"How do we help Jungkook control it?", Bogum questioned.

"Hoseok hyung probably knows best but for now, the threat has been eliminated and that should calm him down".

The others nodded before turning to see Jungkook walking into the room, the marks and blood on his hands had disappeared and it seemed as though nothing had happened to him. He looked around the room with his doe eyes before finally asking something.

"Everything okay?"

They all nodded slowly, unsure of how to behave around him now.

"Is Tae awake?"

"Yes, you should go and see him"

He nodded and quickly made his way into Taehyungs room. His heart skipped a beat when he laid eyes on his ethereal omega, sitting up in bed and watching out the window, the light shining on his face and enhancing his perfect features. He was so entranced, he hadn't noticed Jungkook walk in.

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