•Chapter One•

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edited 6/26/23

As I woke up due to the sound of my alarm clock, I quickly got up and turned off the alarm, scared that dad would wake up annoyed to the loud sound. As I finished getting ready for school, I noticed that it was time to leave. I worried, fearing my dad hasn't laid a hand on me as i'm about to head out the house. Which is surprising .

●5 minutes later●

Anxiety fills my body, the fear of Kacchan attacking me from behind any moment now, watching my every move as I step foot on campus. I'm scared. I just want to be able to make it to my class without suffering from any pain.

I made my way to class. Class hadn't begun yet and so I had about 2 more minutes. As I sat on my chair next to my desk, I silently waited, suffering, paranoid, anxious. Any minute now. Any second, my best friend would walk in, and treat me anything other than a best friend should treat you.

Figuring my phone would be a distraction, I open up tiktok. All of a sudden—"Morning Deku" the harsh whisper coming from behind. My body rushed with even more fear, terrified, yet somehow managing to turn over and make eye contact with Kacchan. He stood tall. His muscles lined through the cheap uniforms. Messy blond hair covering his face. Those bright eyes which fill me with anxiety every time I come across them. What a baby face he had, yet such an asshole.

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