●Chapter 3●

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When mom answered to my question, my heart broke into pieces, my mind went blank. suddenly i couldn't even form a word out of my mouth. I looked at her and asked "A-a new family w-without me?" I asked as my voice started to crack. I could feel my eyes beginning to water "Yes! Why would I want someone like you in my family?" mom said with her brows raised and let out a cold laughter. Dad added on saying "We finally agree on something!" wow. I couldn't believe it, just when I thought someone loved and cared for me. As the tears became unmanageable, I happen to notice that my mom's husband standing behind her the entire time. hasn't said a word, he only stood there in silence. I stare at him, figuring out what his face was expressing and why he was not saying a single word about this crazy conversation. he stares back, but his expression looked full of pity. Thats the the thing I hate the most. Pity. I don't need it. And I don't want it. I walked right back outside the door not wanting to be inside the house knowing i wouldn't feel better staying inside. I step outside wiping my tears away, trying to feel better. my eyes widen when i approach the door to go outside. I see Kacchan sitting on my porch. I had many questions despite everything happening. why is he here? especially now. great, now i'm gonna get beat after dealing with my parents. I thought. clearing my throat i say, "What can I help you with Kacchan?" I asked scared that any sudden move he makes might lay a hand on me. Then he replied "I-I want you to be mine, and only mine".

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