Chapter 25~

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Izuku: I wake up to find out that I was the only one laying in bed. I rubbed my eyes a little, enough to see clearly. Now, I can see better. The right side of where Kat sleeps, is empty. I get out of bed looking for a note or something, why? Becasue u want to see if Kat left a not saying she he'll be back, but, no note or letter. Not even a text... I walk over to the mirror that's in my room, I stare at myself. I didn't like it. I'm a twenty-five year old guy that has cancer, of course i don't like the way I look. As I'm disgusted by my own body, I feel like as if I were just punched in the stomach. I ran to the restroom and I threw up in the toilet. I felt so disgusted seeing vomit come out onto the toilet. So I close my eyes, and I start crying from the pain. It hurt. And no one was here to help me out... Then I got a message, I know this because my phone was in my pocket, I picked it up and looked at the message. It was from my Kat!

Kat 💕: Hey. I'm coming real quick to the house right now. I forgot to get something. I'll just call you instead, I wanna be the first one to hear your voice! ❤

*calls* (on the phone)

Katsuki: "Hey beautiful."

Izuku: "H-Hey..." *coughs very violently*

Katsuki: "Are you ok Izu?!"

Izuku: "Y-Yea-"


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