•Chapter 5•

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Me and Kacchan were hand in hand as we walked to his house, suddenly he said "Sleep in bed with me" To the thought of that I couldn't help but to blush. What does he mean sleep in bed with him? Could easily mean 1 of many things! Now I look dumb with my face red like a red tomato. "Don't get any dirty thoughts" Kacchan said with a smirk on his face. He then laughed, as if he didn't say such a jaw dropping sentence.
As we approach his house's door step, a very loud and angry yell is heard- "Where were you Katsuki?" Immediately i recognized the angry voice as Kacchan's mom. He responded with the same tone, "I was out you old hag!" a mixture of worry and nervousness caused me to let an awkward laugh out, which went unnoticed. "What are you laughing at?" Kacchan asks in a serious tone which i quickly responded with with a simple "Nothing.." He then said with a smirk on his face, "I'll give you something to laugh about then!" He started tickling my stomach. As I was laughing, Aunt Mitsuki (Kacchan's mom) said " Dat gay" while pointing at me and Kacchan. Kacchan quiclky stopped tickling me and took me to his room. When we got inside his room, it was nothing but a basic bedroom. He then walked over to his closet and handed me a pair of pyjama's. He said "There's a restroom across from my room" Im guessing he wanted me to change into these.

●2 minutes later●

Bakugou's (Kacchan) pov:

Deku came back into my room wearing oversize pj's I couldnt help but blush a bit on how cute he looked like. I sat on my bed and told Deku to sleep next to me. As he got in my bed, I holded him close. I put my arm around his waist and my face was in Deku's green broccoli hair. I told him "If you ever need help with something, don't hesitate to ask me." Deku giggled and replied with a "Thank you." I also apologized to him about the mean things I've done in the past. He said he forgave me. But I didn't forgive myself. I couldn't. Before I knew it, Deku had fallen asleep in my arms. I closed my eyes wishing it would last forever.

I tried to make this episode as happy as I could UwU

(Rewritten 5/22/24
how tf are ppl still reading this shi😭)

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