Chapter 20~

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It's 9:07am, and Katsuki had gone to work a while ago. Now, Izuku is home along again.

Izuku: *yawns* mmm, now that I'm alone again, what should I do? Oh! Right, I have to check if I got an email from the convenience store. *walks to the living room while carrying his laptop*. Hopefully they accepted my application. I sat on the couch and open the laptop up, I went to my email section. Ok ok, I have one email that someone has sent me, lets check who it is. *looks at who the email is from* TODOROKI?! W-what does he need? I opened his email and it said, "I'll be coming over to your house at 9:12am. I need to talk to you. -Todoroki." What? What does he need to talk to me about. Wait! Kat said I'm not allowed to talk to other guys, what should I do? Should I lie and tell todoroki that I'm not home? Todoroki said he'll be here at 9:12am, what time is it now? *looks at the time on the laptop* IT'S 9:10?! OH GOD, OH GOD! He's gonna be here any minute! *someone knocks on the door* "C-Coming!" I said loudly as I got up from the couch and went to open the door. "Hey Midoriya, how's it going?" Todoroki said once I opened the door. "H-Hey Todoroki, come on in." I told him. "Thanks Midoriya for letting me in." I didn't know what to do. I meant the last we talked was back in high school. When he said those weird things to me. "Hey, I know your probably thinking why am I here. Well, let me tell you why." He said as he sat on a chair next to the table in the kitchen. "Look, I know we don't have the best of history, but, I hope we can start new and become friends." Todoroki said smiling. "Sure!" I said happily that I get to have a friend. "Would you like some coffee Todo?" I asked walking over to the coffee pot. "Ah no, I'm good. Thanks though." He replied. "Ya, no problem." I said walking away from the coffee pot. "So, what do you do for a living?" I asked taking a seat on the chair. "Mh, my father passed the company over to me." He said not seeming like he wanted to talk about it. "What about you Midoriya?" He asked. "Umm, well, I had just applied to a convenience store near by, and so I guess I'm just waiting for their reply. " If you'd like, I could give you a position at my company." He said offering. "I-I'll think about it." I said because I had to talk about this with Kat first. "Oh ok. Well, I gotta go. It was nice talking to you." Todoroki said as he walked himself out the door.

*Sorry for bad spelling*
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Todoroki came back..... Hope to see you in the next chapter!

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