Chapter 22~

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Izuku: I woke up with Kat on my left, while his arm around my waist. My body started to hurt, which was weird because I'm not moving at all. I'm just laying in bed. The more still I became, the more stronger than pain started to become. I moved a little, but that made the pain hurt even more than when I was staying still. I moved again figuring that maybe my body is asleep. I tossed and moved for less that a minute. Nothing helped. The pain hurt so very much that I now was crying. If I move, it'll hurt. If I stay still, it'll still hurt. I couldn't take the pain anymore, I was about to cry out loud but then I remembered that Kat was still asleep. I wanted to take his arm of my waist to see if that would take some of the pain away. I moved very slowly while trying to not cry louder. I finally found the courage to raise my hand, and when I did, all that came out of my mouth was, "Eeek!" It hurts so so much. I then started to sob like an idiot. But what am I supposed to do? It hurts and everything I do is making it much worse. "Izu?" Said Kat next to me. He could tell that I was in pain. "W-Whats wrong?!" He screamed a bit. "M-M-M-My b-body.... H-hurts..." And with those three words of mine, Kat picked me up bridal style and took me to his car and rushed to the hospital. We got to the hospital, they put me in a room with a doctor. I couldn't remember much, but all I could remember was Kat crying and some nurses or doctors around me. Then, I blacked out.
The next morning at the hospital
Izuku: Hmm. I opened my eyes. It seemed like I was still in the hospital. I was in a hospital bed. I looked to see where Kat was and he was using his phone to call someone, I don't know who, but I wanted him by my side right now. I'm scared. "K-Kat..." I asked wanting him to be with me. I get up from bed, the pain was still there but not as strong as it used to be. I could handle the pain. I could only get up from the bed before Kat came to me. He gave me the biggest hug and said, "I'm so glad your ok." I could tell that he had been crying. I asked him how long I was out and he said one night. He said I can be discharged once I had woke up.
The office of Izuku's Doctor
Doctor: So Midoriya, we tested your blood, and the results came negative. You have cancer.
Izuku: ...

Plot twist! 😂😅 I'm sorry, I'm just really losing ideas. I seriously need some ideas, make sure to comment if you have any ideas please. Oh, and I hope I see you in the next chapter!

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