Chapter 19~

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Izuku: I woke up and l looked to my left side, and there he was. My fiance. I looked over to my hand and noticed that we were still holding hands from last night. As he slept, I stared at him like if I was a creep, but the truth is, I was just admiring his handsome face. I love him sooooooooo much. I hope one day we can adopt kids, and then we get to see them grow up, and then they'll leave us so that they can live their own lives, then me and Kat will grow old together. That's the happy ending I want to have, but of course, we have to face reality. I finished my thoughts so I could play with Kat's beautiful blond spiky hair. I chuckled at the thought that we were still together after knowing each other for so long. We've know each other since I was five and he was six at the time. Now, I'm twenty-four and Kat's twenty-five. As I played with his hair, he opened one eye while the other one only slightly opened. "Baby, what are you doing with my hair?" He asked very cutely. "Playing with it." I simply replied. Kat then pulled my hand off from his hair and pulled it close to him, then he kissed it. "I love you." He said slowly pulling my hand away from his lips. "I love you too." I said giving him a smile. "I have to go to work at 8:43am. What time is it now my Izu?" He asked while closing his eyes. "It's 8:12." I replied sadly. "Don't be sad babe, I'll see you when I get home tonight." Kat said getting up from bed. "C-come quick then after you finish your hours." I said pouting like a little child. "Of course baby." He said giving me a quick kiss before getting up from bed.
12 minutes after Katsuki left

Izuku: Ok! Time to look for a part-time job. I went to my room and opened up my laptop while sitting on the bed. Ok, let's see... *10 minutes later* Ok, after a while, I finally found one. I've sent my application to a convenience store not far from here. Now I'll just have to wait. I know Kat will come late, but maybe I can go visit him at work during his 12 minute lunch break. I closed my laptop and got dressed properly for going out to the store. I figured that I should go to buy ingredients to make lunch for me and Kat for when the time comes.
At the store
Izuku: Ok, I want to make a bento, so I have to look for some eggs first.

Time passes to where Izuku is on his way to Katsuki's work.

Izuku: I walked up to Katsuki's office with a guard behind me. Apparently, the company here is very overprotective. "Mr. Bakugou, someone by the name of Izuku Midoriya would like to see you." The gaurd walks away while letting me know that I can go in. I open the door to Kat's office and see his eyes widen. "Baby you came?!" I could tell he was excited and shocked by the tone of his voice. "Yup!" I said as I closed the door behind me. I walked towards Kat who was standing next to his desk. "I missed you." I said now hugging him. "I missed you too nerd." He said placing his chin on my hair and his arms wrapped around my waist. "Hungry?" I asked offering him food. *Both sit in a little couch that Katsuki has in his office*

Katsuki: "Mmm, this tastes really good Izu." I said enjoying the food my fiance made. "Better be, I worked hard on it." He replied while laughing a bit. "You laugh really cutely you know?" I said putting down my chopsticks on the little table there was next to the couch. "You smirk to much Kat." Izu said playfully. "Your the cause of it." I said remembering this exact same moment we had back in high school when I told him to marry me in the future. "K-Kat, you said the same thing back at high school once." He said while blushing. I'm surprised he even remembered. "You remembered Izu?" I asked impressed. "Of course!" He said smiling looking very happy. I leaned in close and kissed him. I then pull away to hug him. "I love you so fucking much Izuku." I said hugging him tight as if this were our last hug. "You haven't cussed in such a long time." He said smiling while looking surprised at the same time. "Sorry for the cussing, but you turned me soft over the last couple years." I said playfully with a smirk. "I love you too Katsuki." He said, and then giving me a hug.

I typed this while being half asleep, so sorry if the plotting wasn't well...( ͡°_ʖ ͡°) hopefully you enjoy and I hope to see you in the next chapter!

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