Chapter 24~

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Izuku: "Make sure I don't die then." I said reaching in for a long, deep kiss.
Katsuki: I have a mission to complete, I have to make sure Izu doesn't die. I'll make sure that doesn't happen..."Kat?" I then snapped out of my thinking and turned over to Izu as his head was resting on my shoulder while we both sat on the couch watching TV. "What's up?" I answered curiously. "I- I just wanted to say your name... Sorry..." I don't like this. Why the hell is Izu apologizing? "What are you apologizing for?" He simply replied with a, "Because you probably got annoyed becasue I called out your name out." I wanted to assure him that he didn't have to be sorry. I love it when he says my name. "Don't apologize stupid." I said looking at him as he stared at the tv. "Wanna go to bed? I'm tired" I asked while yawning due to waking up earlier. "Yea." I hear Izu reply.

3rd person POV:
Izuku and katsuki are both laying in bed beside eachother. KatsukI was indeed tired, so he needed up being the first to sleep. On the other hand, Izuku was still wide awake. He was lost in his thoughts. He tried to fall asleep but then failed. He couldn't sleep, and he wanted to. It was almost 4am, and still, he couldn't sleep. He thought, ' That's is. I'm just gonna go to the kitchen' and with that being said, Izuku only got out of bed and into the kitchen he went. He had his phone in his hand so he could pass the time playing games. He sat on a chair next to the table in the kitchen. He turned on his phone and saw a notification it had said, " Congratulations Izuku Midoriya. You've been hired to work at The Convenience Store!" As he read this, a huge smile appeared on his face. Then it slowly faded away. He continued to read the email he had received, it continued, "You can start working next year around July." It's only June, one more year, then he can work. But, will he still be around at the time? He then heard a "ping"
Izuku: I heard a "ping" So I looked at my phone. It was a message from Todoroki. Why is he up so late? The text message said;

Todoroki: Awake?

Izuku: Maybe

Todoroki: What are you doing up so late?

Izuku: I could ask you the exact same question.

Todoroki: Well, I just got out of work. Wby?

Izuku: Me? Well, I couldn't sleep. So I'm just trying to past some time.

Todoroki: Can I ask you something?

Izuku: Sure

Todoroki: Do you still love Bakuhoe?

Izuku: Of course. He's my fiance, why wouldn't I?
Todoroki: Fiance?!

Izuku: Yea

Todoroki: Well, I'm happy for you guys

Izuku: Thanks!

Todoroki: You should get some sleep. It's bad for the body if it doesnt get the sleep it needs.

Izuku: Oh Ok mom! 😂

Todoroki: Haha. Very funny.

Izuku: Night

Todoroki: Good night to you as well Izuku.

Izuku: I turned off my phone, and I headed for my bedroom. When I walked in I saw my Kat sleeping. I swear it was the cutest thing ever! I slowly and quietly climb into the bed. I finally laid down. Katsuki was faced towards me. So I was able to see his beautiful face as he slept. What a view, I thought while looking at his face. I reached for one of his hands. I take one of his and intertwine it with one of my hands. Then I closed my eyes, and surprisingly, I managed to sleep.

a/n: sorry if I spelled things wrong.
I honestly regret having Izuku deal with cancer. Forgive me(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
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