Chapter 21~

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Recap: "Todoroki said as he walked himself out the door."

Izuku: Omg. I felt such an uneasy vibe around Todoroki. Sure, I wanna be friends with him, but, I'm afraid that he's gonna do something. But then again, I can't help but to feel bad for when I rejected him back in high school, yet here he is offering me a position at his company... I don't know what to think anymore, I'll just talk to it about it with Kat when he comes home tonight...

Later that Night:
Katsuki: "Baby, I'm home." I said loudly as I closed the door behind me. "Welcome home Kat!" Izu said as he came down from the stairs to hug me. "Something weird happened today." Izu said uncomfortably as I let him go from the hug. "What happened?" I questioned while heading for the couch. "T-Todoroki came by earlier." He said. "WHAT?! WHAT DID ICY HOT WANT?!" I said getting angrily while getting up from the couch that I was sitting in. "Well, he just came to say hi, and then offered me a position at his company..." He said getting quiter as he spoke. "Position? Baby,      a-are you looking for a job?" I asked sadly. "Y-Yea, I just didn't know when to tell you..." He said trying to avoid making eye contact with me. I was sad, he wanted to work, meaning it would be harder to see each other. But the thing that hurt me the most was that, he didn't tell me..."Izu... Look at me..." I demanded as I pulled his chin with my hand to my direction.

Katsuki: "You don't need to get a job."
Izuku: "But you work so hard for the two of us, and I wanted to help out."
Katsuki: "I appreciate the thought, but no, I'm not letting you get a job. If we're both at work, it'll make it harder for us to see each other, and, if someone is harming you at work, I won't be able to save you..."
Izuku: "Can I at least have a garage sell or something?"
Katsuki: "What for?"
Izuku: "To help of course!" I said smiling.
Katsuki: "Ok Izu." I said giving him a kiss in the forehead. "It's already late, so let's just go to bed.
Izuku: "Wait! I know you just came back from work, and your probably tired, but, can we hang out a bit before heading to bed please?"
Katsuki: "Of course, what do you wanna do?"
Izuku: "C-Can we cuddle in bed?"
Katsuki: "Let me take a shower first ok?"
Izuku: "Ok!" I said blushing as Kat walked away.

Time Passed:
Katsuki: "Done."
Izuku: "Ok." I was a blushing mess.
Katsuki: "Come on, get in bed." I said laying on the bed.
Izuku: "Mhm."

The two cuddle in bed until they fell asleep...

Legit 2 days ago I said that I had 356 views, now it's 582 views! Hehhehehehehehhehehshehebebebhehwhwhehehehehhehehehehehhehehwhhwhwhwhwhhehehehehhe. Thank you so much everybody! I really do mean it when I say thank you!!!!! I really hope that you can stick to this story until the very end!!!!!!!!

I'd like to say thanks to all the weebs/otakus reading this! See ya in the next chapter hopefully

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