Chapter 27~

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"Katsuki, I'm, breaking up with you..." I said as I got up from my chair and walked to the restroom.

W-what did I do wrong?... No, I shouldn't be thinking like this. Right now, Izuku is probably feeling hurt. I should go look for him. Right, he went to the restroom.

'I'm doing the right thing. After all, this is for Kat's sake!' I say as I'm running to the restroom. As soon as I get there, I lock the door and I lean my back against the door. I slide down and I end up sitting on the restroom floor with my hands covering my now sobbing face.

As I attempt to run after Izu, I failed. He slammed the restroom door as soon as he got in. I knock on the door gently and ask, "Izu, are you mad at me?" No reply from him. Only loud sobs coming from the door. I try and ask again, "Izu, are you mad at me? Please, just please answer...I need to know." I say with teary eyes. I knock on the door again and gently but sweetly say, "If you love the door." I'm gonna lose it if he doesn't open the door. Then I hear his sobing stop. Next thing I know, I'm seeing Izu in front of me while wiping his tears with his long sleeve shirt.

"If you love the door." Said Kat.
How can I not love him. I love him so much. I slowly get up and open the door as I wipe my tears away. "I-I-I love you..." I say to him trying to avoid eye contact. He stands there and just says, "If you love me, why did you what to break up then?" Why? Because I didn't want to cause him anymore trouble. I want him to live with peace and without having to worry about me. Next thing I know, I feel a warmth wrap around my waist. "I love you, so don't leave me silly." I giggle as I cried while hugging him back.
"I love you... too..."


Im so sorry that u guys waited sooO long, to only get a short chapter. I sowy...
I'll post the next chapter this week! It's for sure!!!



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