Chapter 15~

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At University~ Morning

Izuku: It's the last day of college, and then I'll be officially done with school  forever! Hehe, I'm so happy, and then hopefully, Kat proposes to me! That's right, I haven't forgotten about the promise we made eachother back in high school. I was walking through the hallway to look for my Kat, (Kat is short for Katsuki, a nickname that izuku created) but I couldn't find him. I felt my phone vibrate, so I got my phone out from my pocket and checked the notification. It was a text from Kat, it said, "I'm in class." I knew what class he was in since we have all the classes together. I put my phone back inside my pocket and started walking to class. As I walked in, I saw Kat using his phone while waiting for me. "Hey Kat!" I said giving my biggest smile. "Hey Izu." My boyfriend said as he walked over to my direction with his smile that he never let anyone else see. "Come on, let's go take a seat." Kat said as he took my hand wanting to sit together.
After Period 1

Katsuki: "Izu, let's hang out after school, yea?" I said blushing a bit. Izu replied with a, "Sure!" as he smiled really cutely like always. "What do you plan on doing after school?" My boyfriend asked. "Er, I haven't gotten that far. But I'll let you when I have decided." I said assuring Izu. "Ok!" My Izu said. *Bell goes off.* letting us know that it's time for next period.
After School; packing

Katsuki: "Izu." I said as I walked toward Izu in the empty room. Everyone has left class and it was just me and Izu. "What is it Ka-" I kissed him before he could finish his question. I was the one to break the kiss, and when I did, I hugged Izu. I put my arms around his waist, and I burried my face in his shoulder. "I love you Izuku, can you marry be babe?" I asked still hugging Izu, except this time I got my head up from his shoulder so I could see his face. "Of course I'll marry you! And I also love you very much!" My Izu said with tears of joy. I raised one of my hands to touch my Fiance's cheek, and then I kissed him in his soft pink lips. All I can say is, I love this fricken nerd, and if anyone dares to touch him, I will hurt them.  Izuku then breaks the kiss.
Izuku: "Ka-Katsuki, thank you..." I said hugging Kat back. I burried my face in his chest not wanting to be teased by Kat for crying. "Don't worry, I won't tease." Kat said as he giggled a bit. "Come on, I'll walk you home." Kat said breaking the hug. "Ok!" I said.
Katsuki: "Hey, Izu. Do your parents know that your gay and that you have a boyfriend?" I asked. "No. But I'll tell them when we reach my house, that way I can introduce them to you!" He said excitedly. "Ok then!" I replied a bit excited as well.

At Izuku's home
*both enter through door*
Izuku: "Ok Kat, my parents should be in their room, let me go get them." I said entering my house. "Ok." Kat said behind me. I told Kat to wait in the living room. As I was on my way to my parents room, I was thinking about how happy they'd be when I managed the courage to come out to them. I know that they'll accept me. I know they will! I finally arrived at the door of my parents room. I knocked first, I then heard a "Come in Izuku." coming from my mom. I opened the door to find my dad there as well. " Hey mom, dad. I want to introduce you to my Fiance!" I said very excitedly. I lead my parents to the living room where Kat was waiting. Kat got up from the couch so I could introduce him to my parents. I said, "Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend!" I said as I grabbed Kat's hand. "Oh my..." My mom said shocked. "M-Mom?" I asked. No answer, she just stared at me. I looked over to dad hoping everything was ok. But, looking at my dad made everything much worse. He looked angry. Disappointed. Then I heard my mom say something "Tell your f-f-fiance to leave please." I was mad, but Kat understood, and left. I started another conversation, "D-did you guys like him?" I asked trying to make sure the tears from my eyes didn't come down my face. "Izuku... It's late, go to bed." Those were the words my mom said. I walked up to my room while I was congratulating myself for not crying like an idiot in front of them. I reached my room and slammed the door. I then sat on my bed, grabbed a pillow, and basically screamed in it. I then ended up crying  myself to sleep, like I used to back in middle school, and in high school.
Izuku: I woke up feeling hurt. I went down stairs to greet my parents. I wanted to see if they accepted me or not. I walked in the kitchen, and there I found my parents sitting on the table with two or three papers. "Sit down." Said my dad. I sat down in the table with them. They pushed the papers they had in front of me, and handed me a pen. "Sign." My dad said. I looked down to see the papers, I read before I signed. The paper said, "Unadopt Your Foster Child." I cried when I read those words. "WHY?! D-D-DONT YOU GUYS THINK I-I HAVE BEEN TH-THROUGH ENOUGH?!" I asked in between sobs. "We don't want someone like you in our family!" My dad said raising his voice. I put my hands up to my face and cried with my hands covering my face. Then I heard a "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ABOUT?!" I turned around behind me and saw Kat. He looked angry as hell. "Get up Izu!" He said as he pulled me up from my chair. He pulled me in to a big hug. He whispered in my ear, "I'm here." He said while still hugging me. "YOU TWO BETTER LEAVE IZUKU ALONE OR YOU'LL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME! UNDERSTAND YOU OLD HAGS?!" Kat carried me bridal style, and took me to his apartment. I thought to myself, "What a hero..."

I died a little on the inside making this (T_T)
See you in the next chapter (☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞

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