Chapter 17~

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Katsuki: I broke the hug with Izu and grabbed him by the hand. I said, "let's go get breakfast Izu!" I said dragging him out from the bathroom to the kitchen. I had watery eyes from joy and I didn't want Izu to see me cry. "What do you wanna eat my Izu?" I said walking into the kitchen while letting go of Izuku's hand. "Um, anything is fine!" My fiance said with the biggest, happiest smile I've ever seen. "Ok then." And so I started my cooking process.
Couple minutes later.

Katsuki: I ended up making pancakes for the both of us. "Here you go my Izu." I said placing down his plate in front of him on the table and then placing my plate next to his. I then sat down with him on the table. "Let's celebrate today Izu." I said very excitedly. "Ok!" He replied. "Let's go out on date later on today then!" I said while smiling at him.
Later that night

3 person pov: as both boys were dressing up for their day night, Izuku looked at himself in the mirror along with Katsuki.

Izuku: "Don't worry Baby, you look fine." Kat said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me. "Ok." I simply replied. " Let's get going then!" Kat said as he grabbed my hand and quickly dragged me out of the room, and then out of the house. We were outside of the house, then Kat opened the car door to the passenger seat and said, "In." With his cute little smirk that he's always wearing on his face. Some time passed and we had finally arrived at what seemed to be a restarunt, a very fancy-like restarunt. (Izuku didn't know where Katsuki was taking him to at first) Kat parked the car, and then we both headed inside the restaurant"Excited my Izu?" Kat asked with a smile. "Of course Kat!" I said smiling very widely. 'I probably looked creepy' I thought to myself. As we walked in, I noticed how high-classed things were in the inside. They had fancy chandeliers, the waitresses were dressed up very fancy. We walked in to the restaurant, sat on a round table covered in a red cloth with a flower inside a vase in the middle of the table. We then both ordered what we would like to be eating. While we were waiting, I looked at my left hand. I saw the beautiful ring on my finger. I blushed so hard while looking at it, I then looked up from my hand to find Kat starring at me. I took this chance and said, "I love you Kacchan." While  pushing at the fact that I called him his old nickname. "I love you more Deku." He said with a lovely smile. We both just smiled and basically just stared at each other. I saw his red beautiful but fierce eyes.
Katsuki: I stared at his round green sparkly eyes, and then the fricken waitress cam earth our food. 'She ruined the moment' I thought to myself. She gave one plate to me, and the other to Izu who was across from me. We both ate our food in peace. But I kept on stealing glances while he was eating. Izu's pink lips kept on shining and they were distracting me. I wanted to kiss him but he was eating and so was I. Once we had finished our food any payed, I took Izu's hand as we walked out. Once we were outside, I pulled his hips close to me and kissed his pink lips that kept distracting me. Izu then pulled for air, "Thank you for tonight Kat." My Izu said. "You deserve it." I whispered in his ear as we were still close to each other. I then pull away and grab his hand and got on the car. 

I'm going to start trying on posting longer chapters and hopefully more often.
(。>﹏<。) see you in the next chapter.

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