•Chapter 2•

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published july 15, 2019 edited 8/12/22 damn

That fear, once again, rushed over my body. Feeling as if only Kacchan and I are the only ones in the room. Thank God, I was saved by the bell, making everyone take their seats. Kacchan took a seat, "tch" as he sat down. For the whole class I stayed focused listening to the lesson. The bell then again rang letting us know that class was over. We had about 5 minutes before the next class. A strong arm had pulled be back into the classroom as i had tried to made my way out. With that amazingly strong grip, I could tell who was pulling me by the arm. My thought was confirmed when -"Oh no you don't!" It was Kacchan. I pulled my arm away and watched Kacchan stand tall. He was avoiding eye contact. He seemed flustered? Maybe he has a fever. Kacchan seemed to have been struggling with his words until he quietly let out a, "..Stay". What? did i hear that right? "W-what do you mean?" I take a step back in confusion. He replied with his classic "tch. Nevermine shit face", as he walked out the class room pushing me over.I was confused, surprised and over all geeking out about the fact that he wanted me to stay. I think. I cant let my gaurd down.

yea okay i give up w the attempted editing. y'all gon have to suffer w this cringe book 😢

•End of day•
As school was over for the day, I was still confused by what Kacchan meant when he said "stay" but when I think about it I blush. I then felt someone's arms on my waist, they then said "I'm sorry" I was confused as to who it was, then in a blink if an eye I get punched in the stomach causing me to fall down to the ground. From that punch I could tell it was Kacchan. He walked away before lifting my head from the ground. I then attempted to get up and start walking home. As I got home I noticed a car parked in front of our house. It wasn't just any ordinary car, it was my mom's! I only get to see my mom sometimes since my parents got divorced. As I ran inside the house, I saw my dad, mom, and a tall guy holding my mom's hand. I then asked outloud so everyone can hear me, "What's going on here?" My heart broke to the response my mom gave me. "I got married to a new guy and I'm pregnant with his child" she said coldy with a smile as she looked at me right in the eye.

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