Chapter 7

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Time passes

"Thanks for breakfast Kacchan, it was really good!"
"Anything for you" Kacchan said with a smile. As I was thinking to myself about how Kacchan has good cooking skills, my phone rings. Surprise surprise. It's Dad. He sended me a text saying to come home quickly. "Kacchan I have to go home now!" "NO!" Kacchan yelled as he pulled my wrist. "P-Please." I said almost crying. "Izuku please... Don't leave me. Not now" Kacchan said worried. "I'll be back by tonight, please. I promise I'll come back." I said. Kacchan then let go of my wrist signing me that I can leave now.

I ran home as fast as I could. I was scared to death that my dad will show no mercy while beating the crap out of me. As time passed, I finally reached my house. Before I could enter through the front door, my dad was standing there with a baseball bat in his hand and a huge smile on his face. At this moment, I knew what was about to happen...

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