Chapter 16

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Katsuki: I was driving to Izu's house since today was our date night. I arrived at his house, and so I got out of my car and closed the car door behind me. I walked up to his house door. I knocked but no answer. I checked to see if the door was opened, and to my surprise it was open. I allowed myself in. As I was walking through the door, I heard crying. And I immediately knew that it was my Izu. It was coming from the kitchen. So I walked over to the kitchen to see izuku crying with his parents sitting in the tabel with him. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" I asked filled with anger. I pulled Izu up from his chair, and whispered in his ear, "Im here." Trying to make him feel safe. "YOU TWO BETTER LEAVE IZUKU ALONE! UNDERSTAND YOU OLD HAG?!" I carried Izu in bridal style, and put him in my car and on our way we were to my apartment.
Katsuki's apt.

Katsuki: We had finally arrived, Izu ended up crying himself to sleep on our way here. And so I got out if the car. I walked to the passenger side to pick up Izu. I smiled a bit because my Izu looked so peaceful while sleeping. I gently pick him up bridal style. I carry him inside to my apartment. I go to my room where we usually sleep at. I kicked the door open enough for the two if us to fit through it. I gently lay Izu down in bed. I take off his shoes and I do the same with mine. I then hop into bed with Izu. While he was sleeping, I pulled him close to me. Izu's foster parents disgusted me, I thought. If only they knew how much Izu has gone through... What hurt me the most was that Izuku was extremely happy and excited to tell his parents about him being gay, he was so sure that they were going to accept him, but instead, they didn't, they wanted to unadopt him. I closed my eyes and hugged Izu until I fell asleep.
Izuku: I opened one eye and saw my Kat. I felt something warm and heavy on my waist, and so I looked down to see Kat's arm wrapped around my waist. He was sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't help but to kiss him in his forehead. I then asked myself what I'm doing on his bed in his house. I quickly remembered why. 'Oh. That's right, my parents don't want me..." I thought while crying. I tried to move Kat's arm off me because I didnt want to wake him up. I then slowly and gently started to get up from bed not wanting to make any noise and to wake Kat up. I walked out of his room and went into the bathroom. I opened the door and looked at the mirror. I stood in front of the mirror and just stared. Gosh, I looked ugly I thought with tears running down my face. Then my crying got louder and I feel to the ground landing on my knees. "I-Izuku..." I looked up a bit to see who it was. It was Kat. "Baby, a-are you ok?" He sounded worried. I didn't respond, but I got up from the ground and gave Kat a big hug. "T-Thank y-you..." I said between sobs. "Thanks for what Izu?" He asked hugging back. "For loving me and being there when I need you." I said. Then Kat broke out of the hug. He kneeled with one knee and hand a ring in his hand. "Will you marry me Deku?" He asked with tears in his eyes. "Y-Yes! I'll m-marry you Kacchan!!!" I said taking the ring and putting on my left hand, and giving him a big hug.

We were both a crying mess....

OMG! 356 VIEWS?!?!!?!?!!?!!?!?? THANK YOU PEOPLE!💕😢

Sorry for the short chapter... But I hope you enjoy! UwU


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