Chapter 14 ~end

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The next morning at school...

Izuku: Class hasn't started yet so I'm just waiting. Ever since yesterday I've been trying to avoid Todoroki. I still hadn't forgotten about what he had said yesterday. But one thing still confuses me. What confuses me is that when I told kacchan about Todoroki yesterday, kacchan said that he'll take care of it. All I can hope is that he doesn't do anything to stupid.  As I'm about to get my books out noticing that class is about to start, I feel a big hand patting me on the head, and so I looked up to find Kacchan!
"Morning My Deku." He said with his calming smile that I love seeing. "M-Morning Kacchan!" I'm pretty sure I was a blushing mess.

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING ( Attempting to sound like the bell)

"Ok everybody. Please get your books out and turn to page 108 please!" The teacher said.

Time passes to lunch (cuz why not)

Katsuki: "Deku, let's go grab lunch together." I said. "Ok!" He said with his big smile. We get to the cafeteria with Deku's hand in my hand not caring what the others say. As were walking to line to wait for food, Todoroki has the nerve to walk towards us.
"Midoriya! Can we talk please?" He said while glaring at me. I could start to feel Deku's hand shaking since we were still holding hands. I pull Deku behind me in case IcyHot tried to do anything to him. "You can say whatever you want to him in front of me." I said trying to warn Todoroki that Deku's mine. "Fine! Midoriya, I'm sorry for yesterday, I really am. I just wanted to tell you how I felt about you." Todoroki said with his disgusting smile. "He's mine IcyHot!" I said letting him know. " I know. But can I hear it from Midoriya? If his answer comes out negative, I will leave." Todoroki's words sounded promising. So I said, "Fine!" I pulled Deku in front of me so he could tell IcyHot his answer. "I-I-I forgive y-you Todoroki, and I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings." Deku said. In my head I was like "DAMN RIGHT!" Deku is mine and only mine. Todoroki turned around and started to walk away. I then looked over to Deku and saw his face was red. I asked "What's wrong?" He replied with a, "People" I was confused and so I looked over to see everybody staring at us while some saying "OH MY GOD! BAKUGOU HAS A SOFT SIDE!" I could hear Deku laughing his head off as to what the crowd was saying. I pulled Deku towards me and in for a kiss I went. As I was kissing him, I could here cameras clicking, meaning that they were taking pictures of us, the Fujoshis were freaking out...Deku then pulled out of the kiss. I chuckled because of his flustered face. I hugged him as he burried his head in my chest not wanting for anyone to see his face.

Time passes to where Kacchan and Deku are walking to the Adoption Center.

Izuku: "H-Hey, Kacchan?"
Katsuki: "What is it?"
Izuku: "I love you"
Katsuki: "I love you too Izuku.
Izuku: "Errr."
Katsuki: "What?"
Izuku: "Y-Y-Y-Y-You just said my first name!"
Katsuki: "And it's the last time"
Both: *Laughing*
Katsuki: "Deku, when we finish college, do you wanna get married with me?"
Izuku: "AHH!!! OF COURSE!"
Katsuki: "It's a promise then!"
Izuku: "OKAY!"
Katsuki: "Woah! Calm down Deku!"
Izuku: "I-Im sorry! It's just that I'm so happy!" Izuku:*cries*
Katsuki: *Hugs Deku*
Katsuki: "It's ok. Dont cry Izuku."

~arives at Adoption Center~

"Thanks for the walk Kacchan!" I said thankfully. "Any time for you My Deku." He said with a smirk on his face. "You smirk to much Kacchan!" I said chuckling a bit. "Your the cause of it." Kacchan said as he put his soft lips in mine.

~Time passes to nightime~


I enter my room and I threw myself in my bed. I screamed into my pillow. I still couldn't believe what had happened today. I was so happy. The guy I love promised me that he would marry me. What more could I ask for? Then a negative thought entered my head. I don't have money for college, meaning that I can't go to college together with Kacchan. I started crying because I only have a about two months until my senior year is over. I thought to myslef, how can I earn so much money in such a little amount if time? As I was crying, my phone started ringing, letting me know that someone is calling me. I picked up the phone and answered without trying to sound like I had been crying.

Izuku: H-Hello?
Katsuki: Hey. Its Bakugou.
Izuku: O-Oh. H-Hey Kacchan.
Katsuki: Deku, have you been crying?
Izuku: W-what? Why would I be c-crying?
Katsuki: I could hear it in your voice stupid.
Katsuki: So, answer me, have you been crying?
Izuku: *no response*
Katsuki: Aha. So I was right. Why are you crying?
Izuku: I-I was just stressed out about something.
Katsuki: *sighs* Izuku, I'm your boyfriend. You can tell me anything and I'll see if I can do something about it.
Izuku: *sobs* I-I can't g-g-go to c-college with y-you.
Katsuki: What?! Why not?!
Izuku: I-I don't h-have m-m-money...
Katsuki: I'll give you money then. See it's that simple!
Izuku: B-But I don't wanna be the type of boyfriend that has to ask for everything!
Katsuki: I'm on my way to your place.
Izuku: W-What?!

*phone call ends*

Izuku: What does he mean? Is he really gonna show up? "Izuku. Your boyfriend is here!" The Caretaker said. "Coming!" I walked down the stairs while wiping off my tears. I reached the main room and Kacchan was there with his hands in his pockets. "K-Kacchan!" I called out to let him know that I see him. He takes his hands out from his pockets and grabs me by the hand without a word or a smile. He drags me up stairs to my room until we finally reach my room. He closes the door of my room. He lets go of my hand and says, "Izuku Midoriya. I, your boyfriend will do anything for you. Even if it's to take a bullet for you, or to lie for you, even if it's to kill someone for you, I'm willing to do what ever you want, but Izuku, rely on me please." Kacchan said with a couple of tears rolling down his face... I raised my hands a bit and wiped off Kacchan's tears. He then put his head in my left shoulder, I could feel his tears staining in my shirt. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Katsuki, I love you so very much." He then hugged me even tighter. As I was putting my arms around his neck, he silently whispered "I'm tired..." We then walked over to my bed and layed down together while kacchan still hugging me. He wrapped his arms around my neck while his head was in my hair, I wrapped my arms around his waist while my head was in his chest. Before I knew it Kacchan was silently snoring. It was so cute. I closed my eyes thinking "wow, I fell for the right guy..." Before I knew it we both had fallen asleep in each other's arms......

THAT WAS THE END!!! °//////°  I had fun making this story! I really want to say thank you to those who kept up with this story since the very beginning!!! 😊😊😊 I might, might, make a sequel to this story, I mean who wouldn't want to see them get...

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THAT WAS THE END!!! °//////°  I had fun making this story! I really want to say thank you to those who kept up with this story since the very beginning!!! 😊😊😊 I might, might, make a sequel to this story, I mean who wouldn't want to see them get mareied, UwU...


Hopefully I get to see you in the sequel!

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