Chapter 1

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The happy orphans

Your life was good. Well..that was what you felt. Your sister on your left side, younger than you was always smiling. She loved living in Ordon. Link was like a bigger brother. Always playing silly games with him. It gave you a smile. Every day, you and Link would teach her the wrong and the right. Bella is her name.

Short like any kid. Light pink dress with short sleeves.Brown hair and purple eyes. Around her neck, she has a necklace that you and Link gave her for her 8th birthday this year. The necklace carried a sapphire. She loved it because it came from the people she "loves the most" she said. Your sister was nothing like you. No powers or magic.

On your right side, there was Link. Same age as you, 17. Just a little taller than you. He wears Ordon clothes unlike you and your sister. Darkish hair and blue eyes. He has been through a lot and you could tell. He lives in Ordon but isn't from there. Very VERY smart..kind of great at everything. He's the hero chosen by the gods. You understood.

He found you and your sister in a faraway place. Knowing you were with a child, he thought you weren't dangerous so he took you in..until he discovered your water powers. You were using them for..nothing actually..just boredom. Even knowing, he trusted you. You came with Bella with no parents, powers that most people would run away from and yet he took you in. You felt like you owed him a lot..your life.

Around the house, you didn't do much. You taught Bella a lot. Helped keep the place tidy. Fed Epona when Link was too busy. At night, Bella would go to sleep and you and Link would go to the Ordon spring. You would sing and control the water. Bella knew about your powers but didn't mind. Of course, you were her sister. She would be happy in any way.


Bella was in bed, reading one of Link's rented books. As she read, she listened to your humming. You were making diner, using your powers to bring plates or ingredients to you. You hated that some got wet but whatever. "Sis, what's today?" Bella asked. "Thursday. Why do you ask?"

"I want to see the full moon!" She said. "..Uh..what?"

"I've never paid any attention to one night..the three of us could go and have a picnic.."

"At night?"


"Alright. Let's ask Link when he gets here."

You were about to finish cooking until running footsteps approached. Link opened the door. "(Y/N)!!!!" The spoon you had went into the soup you were making. "Link!!!!"

"I need to tell you something and I feel like you might like it!" Link pulled you outside.

"A couple that lives here is having a wedding and they invited us. So..would you like to go with me?" He asked. "Absolutely! But..won't everyone think we're strangers?" You turned facing the inside of the house. "Yes but since you're with me, they won't mind." Link said.

"Okay..I'll go. When's the wedding?" You asked. "Next week." Expected from a wedding. "Alright!"

Days passed. Nothing new, everything was the same. You waited for the dress you ordered for you and Bella. When the day came, you and her came out. "Wow!" Link exclaimed. "You look so pretty.." Link looked at you, wearing special clothing, he looked very good in it. You wore a dark red dress with black gloves. Nothing your style but it was just for today. Bella was wearing a brighter color. Too, with gloves.

"Thank you." Bella said. You chuckled. Link took you by the arm and walked both of you to the village. You heard some guy whisper "Woah! Look at her!"

Some women were all over Link. "Handsome..!" After you three, more guests came in. All of you got away from everyone. Rusl, a friend of Link's came to him. "You were right! She's pretty." He said, looking at you. "Rusl!" Link elbowed him. You laughed and blushed.

Vowels were exchanged and everything. It was time for the dance. Link started dancing with some of his friends. "Come on, (Y/N)!" He tried encouraging you. You turned and saw dancers in the water. Bella was eating with other kids. You ran to the dancers. "Is it okay if I join?" You asked. "Your body looks good. Show us what you got." One said. You got in the center and stretched. You only focused on the music around you. Moving around, you synced with it and the women saw you as you danced. "She's got it!" A dancer said. Link came running and joined you. You two spun a few times and held each other. Link smiled at you and you smiled back.

The dancers danced around you. It felt so good, especially with Link. Minutes later, everything changed. The party was more crazy. Everyone was drinking and doing stuff they shouldn't be doing in public. The whole vibe changed!

The kids were sent inside a house. More safe. Link was on a drinking milk competition with someone. "Go Link! Go Link! Go Link!" You turned to the person he was against. "You suck! Boo!!"

A soldier came in to stop the music. " Excuse me!! I need all of your attention! I'm searching for two females. A teen and a child!" You got behind Link. "I didn't do anything..!"

"I know. But why is he searching for you?" Link tilted his head. "Get Bella. She's in that house over there." He pointed. Something you could do was to turn yourself into water. You suddenly melted and make your way to the house. "Why are you looking for her exactly?" Link asked the soldier. "She has committed many crimes and has to pay!"

"How can you say that? Were you there? Who was?"

You carefully opened the door and looked for Bella. You saw her and picked her up. "Sis?"

"We're leaving."

You went outside and the soldier saw you. "There! Soldiers! Get her!" A bunch of soldier came out and ran towards you. You jumped. Next thing they saw, you were floating mid-air. The soldiers got together and created purple smoke that turned them into a huge monster. Everyone started running for their lives. "Link!"

"(Y/N)! Give me Bella!!"

You flew your way to him and handed over Bella. "Take care of her. Please."

"I will."

"Thank you. I'll deal with this thing."

"Good luck.." Link left. He told Rusl to get everyone to Lake Hylia. A light spirit is there. No more people to put in danger. Link placed Bella on Epona, along with himself.

You held all the water and pushed it towards the monster. Lifting your arms, you released all the water pressure on the monster. The monster exploded into the purple smoke you saw earlier. "That was easy.." You thought it was over. But it wasn't. You made your way over to where the villagers were. Once you did, you saw Link. "Link!"


You went down to hug him. "Bella's asleep."

"Good..where is everyone going?"

"Lake Hylia. I'm sure the smoke we saw is dangerous-"

"Get her out of here! She's evil! She put us all in danger!" Someone shouted. Everyone agreed with her. "Yeah! Get out!"

"Hey! She prevented that monster from following us!" You touched Link's arm. "It's fine.."

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