Part 2: Chapter 7

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"What woman?!" You asked. "Isabella! She has it. There are two sides and you are attacking the wrong one!!" Void shouted. Link let go of Void. "I wanted to give you something." He said. "What?"

"This." A glowing spear was in Void's hand. "It's yours. Pass down from every (Y/N) that there has been." The spear had a blue ribbon, mixed with white and a sapphire at the end of it. "I will try to reunite our family. The good way. Meanwhile, search for Isabella. She's more powerful than she seems."


In dead Hyrule, you stood there. "This feels like such a dream, Link."

"Does it really? I'm already used to crazy stuff like this happening." Link responded. "Of course."

"Can we get some food from Castle Town?" Link asked.

"Link, it's been DAYS. The food is probably expired." Link groaned. "I'm starving! Can we at least check if there's some weapons or armor?"



You two entered Castle Town and looked around. It gave a creepy vibe. "Is it me..or does it look worse than before?" You got chills. Everything looked haunted. "Everyone was so happy here." Link said.

"I'm gonna go look around over there." You pointed to a different direction from where Link was going. "Be careful."

You walked away from Link. Suddenly, it started raining. Your clothes got wet as you ran for shelter. Getting into a random house, you saw pieces of clothing. You started to make something out of it.


Link was looking for food. He found a piece of bread and smelled it. "Ew! That IS expired! God!" He looked to his side and saw a mirror. Link sighed. "I need sleep."

He looked to the side of his reflection and saw a silhouette. Link turned around and saw nothing. "Okay..I better get back to (Y/N)."

He walked where you said you were gonna be but didn't see you anywhere. You saw him through the door and pulled him in. "Link!"

"(Y/N)! What happened?"

You had your old dress. Completely white with the blue ribbon around your waist. "Y-You look good." Link said. "Thanks!"

You and Link were getting out of there until you two heard a loud sound. Following the sound, you saw a creature. A human torso but.. pure darkness with hands. "Hmm? Oh. Looks like someone caught me." He said. Link saw he was looking for food in the trash. "Either way, I'm hungry." The creature got close to you. Link shot him with an arrow. The creature stopped it with one of his hands and pulled Link. "No!!" You grabbed Link and pulled against the man. "(Y/N)! Grab my sword!" You grabbed Link's master sword and tried to cut off the hand but it went through it like air. The man pulled more and took Link onto the darkness. You fell on your behind. "Give Link back!" You used fire against the man. The man jumped and disappeared out of sight.

You looked around, holding the master sword. "Oh, Link..."


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