Chapter 3

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"Shh.." Link held you. There was a monster that talked in the center of Hyrule field.. "He..talks." You whispered.

The monster had tentacles in its back and one of them pulled you. "Huh..? Link!!!"

"(Y/N)!!!" The monster slammed you onto the ground and growled. Link came out and the monster came out. "Well if it isn't the hero of twilight! We could use someone like you!Just like that little girl." The monster threw you to Link. "Little girl? Who has her?" You asked.

The monster came towards you. "I asked..who has her?!?!" You attacked the monster. He was sent flying and you came running. ""

You killed it. "(Y/N)'s okay." Link said. "Let's keep going.."

You walked into the forest by Link's side. He noticed you were facing down the whole time. "Hey remember the wedding from the other day? I'm pretty sure you do. Well..the new husband and wife started arguing a lot and as it turns out the wife never wanted to marry the guy! Can you believe it?" You chuckled. "I guess I was lucky to be far from everyone."

"Yeah..but I couldn't be there with you.." You blushed. "I mean..not that I w- I do! But I was just bored.." He too blushed. You followed Link into a dark cave and came out another part of the forest. Guards and monster were already there. Link knocked out all of the guards and you dealt with the monsters. Getting closer, you were cautious. Taking out more monsters. Once you both got into the sacred grove, there was no one. "No skull kid.." Link said.

You got out of the Sacred Grove and encountered no one. "We're at the Temple of time."

Something appeared on your mind. "Link."


"Remember when we fought that monster at Hyrule field?"


"Don't you think the ones behind all this are trying to start something against humans..? Not that they haven't started but..the huge monster and the one at the field talked. took Bella and the other said the could use you.."just like that little girl."

"Whatever it is, it must be stopped."

"You figured out. Pretty smart for someone from the skies." A man appeared. "Hero. You should've stayed. Everyone from your village came back. They'll die sooner or later. Don't worry thought. There's a bomb in the sky that has been dropped and its up to you to stop it." He said.

A monster suddenly attacked Link. "(Y/N)! Go and stop the bomb!! I'll be fine!" Link commanded. You flew upwards and found the bomb. Going behind it, you pulled it with water. Something suddenly pulled you into the bomb. A figure punched you and stepped back. "Ow.."

The figure had a purple glowing sword. You couldn't see anything, it was too dark. While being off guard, the sword made a long cut on your stomach and part of the sword went inside. You grunted. The figure jumped out of the bomb. "I did it."

The bomb exploded from the inside. To you it didn't feel like an explosion but Link believed it. "(Y/N)!!!"

You managed to fly down to safety. Link caught you and saw the man being shot by an arrow. He looked around and saw a shadow. "Ha! How did that feel shit head?!" A kid came out. "What..?" Link looked at the kid. He was shocked. The man disappeared after he was shot. "Yeah! Run!" It was a little boy, a year older than Bella. Brown hair matching his eyes.

You started coughing and grunting. "(Y/N)?"

Blood came out from your mouth. Link noticed the cut on your stomach. It started to look bad. The little boy held your arm against the arm. "Hold her down!" He told Link. You screamed in pain. "That cut may have infected her. Since she's different from a normal human, she's going to have it worse. Is there something that can heal her?"

"Springs. If we can take her to the spring, she can heal!" Link said. "No!!!" You shouted. "Don't listen to her! It's not the friend you know." The boy told. Link stood up and hugged you tightly. You were struggling to get out. "Get off!! I'll kill you!!!"

"I'd love to see you try." Link responded. "Hey! Can't we just take it out of her?" Link asked. "We can..but she'll be in a lot of pain."

Link slammed you to the ground.
"Sorry, (Y/N)!"

The little boy used a knife to cut the injury more to heal it. "Ahh!!! Stop!!" He looked at Link's sword and asked if that was the legendary sword. "Yes.."

"That's exactly what we need."

The boy had a bottle of water and spilled it all over the injury. Link was strong and struggling to get out hurted. "You'll be fine."

"Okay, I need you to grab that sword of yours and stab the injury."
"What?! That'll hurt her even more-"

"But it's way better than leaving her good side dead!" The boy held you as Link stood up and took out the master sword. "Link!!" You yelled. Link got closer and stabbed you.


You opened your eyes. Looking around, you saw Link nervous. "Link..?" He stood up and went over to you. "(Y/N)..are you feeling alright?" He asked.

"Yes..what happened..?"

"You had something inside you going crazy and hurting you. Luckily, me and this boy were able to heal you." Link said, softly.

"If my boss were here, it would've been terrible." The boy said, drinking tea. "Your boss..?"

"I'd love to introduce you to him but..he's somewhere right now."

You tried standing up but failed. Flying. Impossible.

Link got down and placed you on his back. "Seems like you can't walk..Stay like that." You blushed. "Thanks.."

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