Part 2: Chapter 4

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You smiled at him. He smiled back. "I'm glad you're here with me."

"Even if I have these abilities..?"

He nodded. "I've been lonely before I found you. Missing my partner..It's nice being lonely but sometimes it's just too much.."

You faced down. "All my life I've been around. Searching for something but..I never knew what. I'm just letting the wind take me wherever it wants to." You said. "Well..the wind is a good one for sure." He responded.


"You..have feelings for Link..don't you?"

"What?! No! Why would I- No." You blushed. "With the way he acts towards you, the way he talks..I can see it in your eyes."

"I don't."

"I don't blame you. We all have feelings. Even the worst. Just don't let others get in your way. Anyways, I have something to tell you."

You listened.

"You have one choice. Take it or die by the hands of Dawn. This orb? I want you to make it a part of you."


"Link should be able to help you. Once you have it, you'll have both fire and water abilities. I know you don't want to..but it's to save everyone."



You found Link sitting in front of the camp. "Oh hey (Y/N)! I was thinking of finding my dear Epona. I hate walking." He said.


He noticed the tone of your voice. "What's wrong?"


You told Link about Igno. "Won't it hurt you, though?" He asked. "He should've said something."

"Trick us once, shame on them. Trick us twice, we're dumb!" You and Link looked down in silence. "I want to give it a try. To get everyone back." Link sighed. "If anything goes not as planned, I'm shattering that orb." You nodded. "Okay."

At the plains, you and Link faced each other. He had the orb on his hand. "Ready?"


Link placed the orb on your chest. Then pushed it. You screamed as it went in you. "Ow!!!"

Link was ready to take it out but you held him. "Keep..going..!" So he did. An orange aura began to surround both of you. Soon it began to disappear. You and Link calmed down. "I'm alright.." You fell. Link carried you. Suddenly, you had a feeling. You gasped and looked over Link's shoulder. "Watch out!!"

Link moved out of the way with you. "What the.."

A man with a cloak on was there. "Give her to me."

Link protected you. "Can you run?"

"I..can try. Do you want me.."

He nodded. The cloaked man was charging a ball of magic. You looked at him the turned to Link. "But..I can try to use my powers!"

The ball was lose and was directed towards you. Once it hit you, you were thrown.

"(Y/N)!" Link was grabbed. "I would also like yours."


The man looked at Link's hand. "That."


"Let go of me!!!" Link and the man were surrounded by a yellow light. "No..." Link fell unconscious.

The man now had a piece of the Triforce with him. "You're next."

You ran towards him and dodged his attacks just to go to Link. "Link!" You tried to pick him up. "We can run! I can run!"

The man was sprinting towards you. You kept him away with water, but he broke out of it.

You groaned as you tried to move Link.

The man was in front of you. "Give it back to him!!" He knocked you out and two to robs out of you. With the Triforce, the orb of water and fire, he was more powerful than anyone.

"Next target, Wind."

Once he left you two on the ground. A child's hand checked on you. "No one will get me this time." She said.


Your eyes opened slowly. Link was next to you. "Link.." You crawled to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry.."

Weakly, you stood up. "I'll be back.."

Link was left alone.


You ran. "(Y/N)!" You stopped. "Where are you going..?"

"Bella!" You hugged her tightly. "Your powers are gone, (Y/N). You can't do anything." She said.

"I know..Link is in a worse condition than I was. I can fight."

"Using what?"


"Go. I'll take care of Link. Can't stop you anyways.." She said. You were about to run but something stopped you. The way she acted.

You went back to Link. "What is she doing?" Bella asked herself. "I've been to blind by the fact that you're his creation.." You said.

"So am I have a mission." You grabbed Link's bow and shield.

"What're you doing?" She asked.

"You will be reincarnated as someone else by me!"

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