Part 3: Chapter 3

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Today was the day for Adonis. You couldn't do anything since you weren't EXACTLY there. "Link, are you sure this is going to work out?"

Adonis's execution was a big event these days. Everyone wanted revenge for what he did to their leader. "No...but we have hope.." Link said. His execution took place in a big, open area where the citizens and soldiers could watch. The royals where in a higher place above their citizens. There was Dawn, Igno, and Link.

Link had the Water's orb on his hands. You watched Adonis in the center, tied in chains.

A man with an axe got closer to Adonis. About to chop his bead off, the man got stabbed.

Everyone got alarmed. "I think you need to run."

As Link began to walk back, Dawn and Igno went against Adonis. He stabbed both of them, turning their bodies into orbs.

"Dawn! Igno! No!" Link began running along with everyone who was watching. It was a big crowd.

"Link! Stop! You need to go the other way! Adonis will see the crowd and destroy everyone!!"

Link turned left and moved from one pillar to another. "Keep running! If there's an attack nearby, I'll protect you." Link kept running, not looking behind. "What about them?"

"It's too late for them. They're're my only hope."

As Link was running, Adonis stood in front of them. Link stopped and took out the Master Sword. "You think that sword can defeat me, boy?" Adonis summoned a longer sword, surrounded by a purple aura. Both of them crashed swords. Adonis was getting stronger. Link was staring to fall back. Since you were in Link's pocket, you saw it from his eyes. With the Sun's orb, you helped Link push against Adonis.

"She's alive!" He laughed, grabbed Link and threw him in the floor. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine.." He whispered. "Give it to me!" Adonis held him against the ground. "Never!!"

Adonis stabbed Link with hand and lifted up a black sphere. With that black sphere, Dark Link was create. By then Adonis left. Dark Link pulled Link's pocket and took the Water's orb out.

The Water's orb started to darken. Link tripped Dark and grabbed the orb. "You'll be fine. I need to get you out of there! What did you feel when summoning the other three?"

"I don't know..I just needed them..maybe because we're the same..?"

Link's eyes widen. "Bella." He took a step back. "I guess he'll just have to follow me!" He started running and headed to Hyrule.


In Ordon Village, you searched for Bella. Link saw her with his friend, Ilia. "Bella!" He got on one knee. "I need you to do me a favor..can you do that..?" Link asked. "Anything..!!" Bella smiled. "Okay..I need you to.." Link gave her the Water's orb. From the orb, you see Bella.

"Bring her back..we need you more than anything." Link said. You turned to the other side of the orb and saw Link. Turned to Bella.

Bella held the orb with both of her hands as Link stepped back.

She closed her eyes and did everything in her power to feel your essence. A light broke through the orb. You felt Dark Link nearby, the orb began to darken. Bella couldn't handle the darkness. The orb slipped out of her hands, having a crack on it. Half the orb was dark. You tried to stay away from it. Link held the orb and it went back to normal.

Dark Link came and grabbed Bella. "You're not!!" You attacked Dark from the orb.

You needed to get out of there. You headed to the crack and tried to open it. More than it already was. "(Y/N)?" The orb was shattered and became light. Link looked up and saw Adonis. "What...?"

"I can shapeshift. I'm literally water!" You laughed.

You stepped as Adonis on the floor. Dark Link saw Adonis and bowed down. With your spear, you pointed at his head. "I want only one Link." Then you impaled him as he turned to dust.

You notice everyone looking at you as you turned. Walking to Bella, you picked her up and carried her. "C'mon..Link.."

Bella rested in Link's house. She was alright. You two made sure of that. You also checked on Link. He was fine.


You went to the Ordon spring and rested there. Link entered slowly to the spring. You stood up. "Why're you still as Adonis?"

"Don't know.." You caressed his cheek and formed back into yourself. You had the same clothes before you turned into an orb. Link held your hand. "Link..I want to know your feelings."

Link ran his hands through your hair and kissed you. "I heard me?"

You nodded. "If you really felt that, then so do I." Link smiles and hugs you. "Good."

"I think it's time." You whispered.



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