Part 2: Chapter 2

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As it started raining, Link was running, panting. Dawn and Igno went to the man and tried to take him down. You could barely open your eyes. "You'll be fine.." was all you could hear. Your body felt so weak. Link had you in his arms, carrying you to safety. The villagers were following him. "The two guys are dead!!!" A kid shouted.

Explosions were in the back ground as everyone ran. A bigger explosion made everyone scared and run away. Link stopped and looked behind him. "Why are yo-" Link saw a ball of magic fall to where the villagers were. He quickly got down to protect you and him. The man saw Link with two orbs. A green and a red one. Link got up and ran faster than ever. "We'll be okay! Everything will go back to the way it was, just like we wish for."

He had no choice but to go back to dead Hyrule. Where no one was alive but if you went there, no one would get hurt.


Entering Ordon village, Link went inside a house. He put you down as he collapsed.
Hours passed. So many.

You gasped and woke up. Trying to stand up, your body didn't have that much strength. You saw Link next to you, asleep. You looked around, noticing you were in Hyrule. "What happened..?"

You tried finding food, you did but it was little. You ate half of that little to save for Link. 'He must've brought us back here for some reason..I'll wait for him..'

Dawn and Igno weren't there and you wondered took care of Link.


Minutes passed by and you heard Link. You were outside the rotten house and ran to him. "Link!" You fell. "(Y/N)? You're okay!" He held your cheek. He got up from laying down and was on his knees. "Thank Hylia!" He hugged you. You hugged back. "Link..what happened?"

Link faced down. "Where is Dawn...a-and Igno?" You asked. "They're safe. They are trying their best to save us all. Right now, with their father, they're training." He lied. "Phew! That's good."

"Now that you're here. I can practice, too!" You ran out. With the same movements to control the water, nothing happened. Link's eyes widen. "I must be rusty.." You tried and tried but no water moved at your control. "C'mon.."

Link went to you. "(Y/N). You got yourself into his were unconscious. Dawn and Igno predict that with that magic, you might've lost your abilities."

"You're joking..Link!"

"I'm not."

You fell to your knees. "Then what am I going to do..?" You felt strong wind. "Don't worry, we'll look for answers.." Link took your hand and held it tight. "And..revenge.." He smiles. You smiled back.


You were by yourself. Until you heard a voice.

You stood up. "That voice."
"Help! Link! (Y/N)! I'm at Gerudo Desert! Please..I need you.."

You ran to Link and he seemed alarmed. "You heard it?"
You nodded. "Let's go!" You two ran from the forest to the desert.

At the desert, you heard a scream. "Over there!" You and Link followed the scream. You didn't know if this was a trap to get you and Link but you wanted to find out.

Once you two found the person who called out for you. There she was. You ran to her. "Is it really you?!"

"It's me." She said. "(Y/N), you're in grave danger. and you too, Link. The one's you call Dawn and Igno are not who you think they are. They've been planning to take you down and whoever you're with, (Y/N)."


"I was there..I could hear them as they were making me." She said. You hugged her. "Well..all I care is that you're okay..I missed you so much, Bella."

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